hotComm Standard/Pro Help
hotComm Lite Help
hotComm CL Help
CL Plus and Lite Plus Help

» Audio
   Before you Begin
» Hearing
   Volume and Balance
   Audio On and Off
   Audio in Multiple Rooms
   VoIP Settings Window
   Voice-quality Music & Radio
   HiFi Audio (WAVeMix)
   Sounds button
   Windows Sound Events
   Text-to-Speech (TTS)
   Speech Recognition Software
» Record and Playback (new)
   Record and Playback * Updated 2014 *
   HCR Quick Guide
   WMV Quick Guide
   Audio Recording
   Timed recording
   About the recording files
   Troubleshooting Recording
» Record and Playback (old)
   Recording with Standard/Pro
     Session Record - HCR
     Session Record - WMV
     Timed Session recording
     Recording Files
   Recording with CL and Lite
   Playback .HCR session
   Playback .WMV session
   Record Audio
   Playback Audio
» Operation Mode
   Operation Mode
   Mode Selection and Name Change
   Auto Options
   Set Room Password
   Reset Server's Block List
   Manage Moderator List
   Minimum Version
   Remote Control Password
   Call Group AE Messages
» Chat Features
   Abbreviations (AE)
     Voting Poll
   Ask Support a Question
     Raise Hand
   Private Session
     hotTweet (Twitter)
     Typing in Hebrew, Arabic, Persian
» Cameras, Application Sharing
   hotCam Presenting
     Still Camera
     Timed Camera
     Twain Captures
     PowerPoint Presentations
     Mirror Driver
   hotCam Window
     hotCam Window Controls
     Resizing Examples
   Selections Toolbox
   Dynamic Desktop (application sharing)
» Other Features
   hotWeb Window
   Collaboration Menu
» File Transfer
   File Transfer in a Room
   Independent File Transfers
   File Transfer Toolbar
   File Transfer Preferences
» hotDoc
» Moderator Features
   Room Roles
   Admin Feature Chart
   For the New Room Owner
   Room Passwords
   Session Control
   Room Controls
   Transcript Filter
   Bridged Sessions
» Advanced Features
» Remote Control
   Remote Control
   Remote Control of a Windows Client
   Remote Control of a Java Client
   Unattended Remote Control

» Install, Upgrade
   Upgrade Lite to Standard
   Upgrade Tips

» Files and Folders
   hotComm User Files
   User Data Folders - XP
   User Data Folders - Vista
   User Data Folders - Win2K
   Program Files

» Connections
   Connection Messages
   How to Fix the Address

» Technical Articles
   Mirror Driver
» Troubleshooting Audio

ezPeer and IM-Live
» ezPeer
   About ezPeer
   ezPeer Contents
   ezPeer Dynamic Page

Content Relay Manager
» Admin. Guide
   CRM Setup
   Room Setup

» Webinar Support Guide
   Word document