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The 8.00.011 revision is an optional update
Version 8.00.011 includes:
- Updated hotComm local Java files to include the most current security manifest as per browser specifications.
The 8.00.010 revision is an optional update
Version 8.00.010 includes:
- Fixes API error in hotTweet for compliance with latest (2014) Twitter API third party developer integration and security T.O.S.
See hotComm User Guide Link Here for instructions on setting up hotTweet to post live Tweets directly to your Twitter feed from your hotComm session
(hotComm STD hotTweet license option add on fee can be paid at: hotComm Order/Buy Now page)
hotTweet included in all hotComm Presenter Pro and Multi-Pro licenses
The 8.00.008 revision is an optional update - but recommended for room owners/presenters to update hotComm Presenter Pro with a local streaming preveiw of currently projected visual graphics to a live session.
Version 8.00.008 includes:
- 1. Fixes some side by side errors where some users were unable to install and launch the program.
2. * NEW in Revision 8.00.008x - Presenter Pro licenses ONLY * Some of our Presenters have asked for a small screen to confirm the charts being sent out so that the Presenter can ensure, quite literally, that everyone is "on the same page".
On first use, the Preview window will display centered on the screen but simply drag it to a more convenient location and its new position will be remembered for future use in the hotComm settings file.
The 8.00.005 revision is a REQUIRED update!
Version 8.00.005 includes:
- Security Compliance Update - Ensures that hotComm has the latest software modules (i.e. certificates) that are cross-compatible with all Windows Operating systems including Windows 8. NOTE: This will be a mandatory update to REV: 8.00.005 that we are "pushing" with message notfications to every customer running any hotComm client (going server by server), until all our customers are upgraded.
You can be assured that your hotComm client is secured with the latest SSL (or the equivalent) module requirements from Microsoft.
- Research for new third party software has been completed and added to the blocked from recording feature when the room moderator(s) have disabled recording in the session control toolbar.
NOTE: The disabled recording feature has not and does not affect users on the Java client for those room owners which permit java connections. It is the responsibility of the room owner to advise ALL students of the terms and conditions for participation and when recording is NOT ALLOWED in their room.
Please email: [email protected] if you would like to add recording terms (or any custom risk dislaimer or T.O.S.) you wish your clients/students to see and read upon joining your room.
This also won't affect MODERATORS use of third party recording software being used to record their own sessions in their hotComm room.
Version 8.00.003 includes:
- Conversion to latest Microsoft Libraries for Windows 7 & 8 Compatibility.
- TTS fixes for posts including URLs.
hotComm Standard/Pro user note:
- The update does not change the contents of your existing User List. However, you can delete un-needed relays from your User List. To do so, right-click on the Relay name and select Delete User.
We recommend that you keep Relay (+Relay) in your User List, because that is the relay where the hotComm Support and Audio Test rooms are located.
Version 7.50.070 includes:
- Revised User List (CONTACTS.HCD) for new hotComm Standard/Pro installs.
- Changes and fixes introduced in 7.50.069 and 7.50.069.
hotComm Standard/Pro user note:
- The update does not change the contents of your existing User List. However, you can delete un-needed relays from your User List. To do so, right-click on the Relay name and select Delete User.
We recommend that you keep Relay (+Relay) in your User List, because that is the relay where the hotComm Support and Audio Test rooms are located.
Version 7.50.069 contained fixes for 7.50.068. It was available in beta only.
Version 7.50.068 includes:
- The message to update your Windows Media Encoder 9.0 is no longer repeated after you successfully run the update. Note: Microsoft published an HotFix update for Windows Media Encoder 9.0 in fall 2010; if you are using Vista or Windows 7, please save the update installer to your computer and then run it by right-clicking the installer file and selecting "Run as Administrator".
- Files in the /Uploads folders on the 1stWorks relay servers are now kept for 7 days instead of indefinately. This should have no impact on users. The benefit is in making the relay servers more efficient.
Note: 7.50.068 was withdrawn and replaced with 7.50.067 in production and 7.50.069 in beta.
Version 7.50.067 fixes a problem where hotComm closed when a presenter turned on his mic.
Version 7.50.066 fixes a problem with opening a saved graphic (.HCC file) when connected to a room, where you would be disconnected from the room before opening the graphic. You should be able to open saved graphics while connected to a room. The problem initially appeared in revision 7.50.065.
Revision 7.50.065 includes:
- hotTweet, so you can post to Twitter and a hotComm room simultaneously. This feature is included in hotComm Pro, optional extra-cost add-on in hotComm Standard, unavailable in hotComm Lite and hotComm CL. See
- eTSO1 relay is now included in the default User List for hotComm Standard/Pro.
- License/trial notification pop-ups have a "Continue" button instead of "Cancel", for easier use.
- Uninstall - the Remove.asp now adds the email address to the subject line for faster support processing.
- Revised startup processing to remove prior instances of the camera instances, in the hopes of fixing the camera-icon-turns-blue-but-cursor-doesn't-lift-up problem.
Important note! Do not start the hotComm Standard/Pro client through Microsoft RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol, formerly known as Terminal Services). As of this revision, hotComm Standard/Pro detects if it is launched through RDP and, if so, assumes you are starting it as a Content Relay Server (CRM) and does not attempt to remove prior camera instances. This note is specific to RDP and does not apply to other remote control programs.
Revision 7.50.062 includes minor changes to 7.50.061.
Revision 7.50.061 includes:
- hotComm Windows Sound Event names are now corrected for case sensitivity. Under Windows 7, the Sound Events added to the registry MUST be case sensitive to the filenames.
- If "unique user" is not set in room, duplicate names are now synced with server (i.e.. John1 is John1 for all users, John2 is John2 for all users)
- Font size in the Private Message window can now be adjusted using Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] and the size setting is saved.
- In hotComm CL, the Alert In/Out setting is now saved.
Revision 7.50.057 includes changes in the hotComm URL Protocol Handler, which is used by
the "Connect button" link and button,
the !m-live link,
the hotcomm://relayserver:roomname shortcut and weblink.
These changes allow correctly identifying whether to use the Pristine Chat client or the hotComm client for connecting.
Revision 7.50.056 was released in beta only.
- Library changes:
- the latest release of the HCDS library (dated 12/30/09) to fix direct sound issues
- the latest release of the HCZD library to fix compression issues
- the latest release of the IMC library to be up-to-date with the current F2P and PC2Me releases
- Extra checks for invalid or closed window pointers to fix customer crashes
- Makes sure that at midnight the V-event logs record all users in rooms as “logged out” in the log before closing it
- Filtering changes for hotComm Standard, based on requests:
- "Hold" action - stock PM sent to user has new language: "Thank you for your post. It has been received by the moderator. Someone will be with you shortly.”
- "Reject" sends no message. The message tends to irritate people. The filterer can always use Reject & PM.
- When you "Hold" someone, the live "Accept" label has been changed to a live "OnHold" label, so it is easy to see who you held vs who you haven't actioned yet.
- "Hold" actions include Reject (with no message), as well as Accept (with no message) and Reject & PM
- Stopped posting the stock PM responses into the filterer's own transcript. It is distracting to the filterer.
- Posts with emoticons can now be “actioned”.
Revision 7.50.055 includes changes introduced in beta revisions since 7.50.048 as well as:
- Updated fix for problem with Private Message. The new behavior is that if you initiate a private message to a user, and the user disconnects before you click Send, the private message is not sent. You get a message saying so.
However, if the user disconnects and rejoins before you click Send, and we can identify them as the same user based on internal tags as well as nickname, then the message is sent.
- Private message handling honors nicknames superimposed by links or the Std/Pro "Join As User/Panelist" option.
Revision 7.50.054 (beta) includes:
- Fix for uninstall errors, where UNWISE.EXE is not found.
- Fix for errors in Lite to Standard auto-upgrade, where Lite was not uninstalled and license time was not converted correctly.
Revision 7.50.053 (beta) includes:
- Fix for problem with Private Message.
- Rebuilt the default hotComm database files (.hcd) to fix problem with Microsoft Visual Studio debugging.
Revision 7.50.052 (beta) includes debug messages for the Pristine CL client only.
Revision 7.50.051 (beta, 1/4/10) includes:
- Revised format for Ask Support A Question diagnostic reports
- Server - Fixed memory leak with image compression
- Server - Fixed problem when server A loses connection and server B is started as backup, then server A regains connection. Server A now asks whether to log off server B from VNS before logging in, preventing users from being kicked off.
Revision 7.50.049 and 7.50.050 (beta, 10/15/09) include:
- MIXER INFO area redesigned in the Ask Support A Question report for better reading.
- Better search method in finding WAVE IN control.
- Fixed problem found with log entries being corrupted when ISOLATE flag set and multiline transcript entries.
Revision 7.50.048 fixes problems with Hebrew characters appearing in the transcript as question marks or gibberish.
Revision 7.50.047 includes enhanced support for typing in Hebrew and similar languages:
- Line-by-line mode is selected automatically.
- If you type in both Hebrew and English on the same line, you no longer have to switch to Hebrew before pressing Enter to post the message.
Note: we expect that you use left-alt+shift or equivalent defined key sequence to switch between languages.
Revision 7.50.045 includes: updated re-distributable Visual C++ DLLs. This provides additional fixes for an installation error with the message "application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect".
Revision 7.50.044 is available for hotComm CL only. It includes:
- Spanish - a new International version is available, in the hclsetupI.exe instsller. This installer offers a choice of English or Spanish versions of hotComm CL. You can install from
- Installer script fix for checking the location of previous data files.
- Installer fix for occasional error with message "application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect".
Revisions 7.50.041-7.50.043 were beta only and not released generally.
Revision 7.50.040 includes:
- Fix in the microphone Peak Meter that caused occasional crashes.
Revision 7.50.039 includes:
- File link in transcript pointing to a .GIF file will be sent to hotCam window for viewing instead of hotWeb one which has collaborative restrictions. Note: in hotComm Standard/Pro, you can drag-and-drop the file onto the File Transfer button.
Revision 7.50.038 includes changes made since 7.50.029:
- Auto Start under Vista now creates a Scheduled Task. This allows the loader to be started in administrator mode automatically.
- The hotComm Admin Loader (hotComMD.exe) is now an administrator application and doesn’t require the “Run As Administrator” checkbox to be set in the shortcut.
- File link in transcript pointing to a .JPG file will be sent to hotCam window for viewing instead of hotWeb one which has collaborative restrictions. Note: in hotComm Standard/Pro, you can drag-and-drop the file onto the File Transfer button.
- For CL Presenters/Moderators (on our cuts only), the Do-Not-Disturb button will show up in the mid-button bar for them to prevent PM and other disturbing events.
- For hotComm Standard/Pro, Moderator can now right-click on the Host Server (Relay) and do Send All Users to Room. This will affect public users only, not Moderators or Presenters.
- WMV recording with Full Screen checked has changed.
- Old behavior: the hotCam window was maximized during WMV recording when Full Screen was selected. This caused quite a problem when a room has multiple charts.
- The new logistic is that when the user starts the WMV recording, hotComm will automatically record Full Screen if there is no hotCam window, if there is more than one hotCam window, or if Full Screen is checked. If there is only one hotCam window and Full Screen is not checked, then hotComm records only the hotCam window.
The hotComm 7.50.029 revision includes:
- Correction to bring windows to front before snapping image on Vista 64-bit operating system.
- When updating hotComm, while still connected to a room, the message asking to save the transcript will be suspended so as not to delay update.
This revision includes:
- Disabled the "same device" check for .WMV recording. This was introduced in 7.50.025 but caused problems for people with RealTek drivers.
- Fixed a problem identifying certain audio drivers (such as RealTek HD Audio input/output).
This version of the hotComm and Pristine clients includes:
- Fix to audio search for a valid recording mixer device
- Fix to HCR playback crash
hotComm Lite on Vista
Introduced in a previous revision: hotComm Lite on Vista 32-bit launches the hotComm Loader, which allows the camera to work with applications set to "Run as Administrator".
This version has the following features / changes:
- “Minimize New Moderator Charts” added in CL menu.
- Custom emoticons are now sent compressed to that they use less bandwidth.
- In User Info, “Injectable Dynamic Desktop” entry name changed to “hotComm MultiPro Option”.
Room Connections
- Fix for security loophole in secure link.
- If hotComm Lite or CL is minimized when a room is requested, the app (chat window) is restored.
- If a new session is started, hotComm Lite and CL will close the prior session.
- If the requested room is already connected, the room is brought to the top.
- “Connect to Target Site” option added to System Tray menu of hotComm CL. This option is disabled if the session is active.
- Change to method for automatically re-connecting people to rooms after losing connect.
- If user has STEREO mix and MONO mix, the STEREO mix device is selected first.
- If all tests fail to pick a valid recording device, then the available ANALOG device is selected. This will fix any international devices that use a different language to name their devices.
- The test for WMV recording audio capability has added the test for the playback device being the same as the recording device, as in PC2Me.
Revision 7.50.022 is a production release. It includes changes made since 7.50.015. Some changes were included in the 7.50.019 beta version of 3/31/09.
- VoIP Dialog corrections
- Playback device selection is saved correctly. (7.50.019 beta)
- Fixed balance and volume controls in VoIP dialog for Vista systems.
Note: In VoIP Settings, if Auto-Select is checked, hotComm will find the correct devices for recording or playback. If you want to select a specific device, uncheck Auto-select and select the device you want, then click Apply.
- Audio device handling
- Better handling of “valid” WAVE devices (7.50.019 beta)
- Added Spanish name for “Stereo Mix” (Mezcla) when testing for valid wave recording device.
- WMV recording - Plus feature list displays warning if WMV recording option cannot find Mixer Device. (7.50.019 beta)
- VNS date check fixed when registration dialog appears.
- You should no longer see a system date error if your computer date really is correct.
- If no VNS date available, allow unlock code to be processed. (7.50.019 beta)
- Room window is moved to front when password is requested, so you see both the room window and the password challenge window in front of the browser and other applications.
- Fixed problem with crashing when checking whether hotComm has been added to Windows Firewall Exception (acceptance) list. The crash was caused by hotComm interation with an anti-virus program. The new “/fwx” command line option can be used to bypass this check.
- Unique User check feature - if the Unique User box is checked in the Room Profile on the server, duplicate nicknames are not allowed in the room. The second person to join with the same nickname will disconnect the first. This feature is intended for rooms where people join through a link on a website where the nicknames from the website login are included on the link, and therefore should be unique. If the box is not checked in the Room Profile, then duplicate nicknames are allowed, with subscripts, such as Tom, Tom(1), Tom(2), etc. (7.50.019 beta)
- The "Ask Support A Question" message window allows for the enter key to move to the next line instead of sending the email.
- Changes to the "Ask Support a Question" diagnostic information sent to us:
- Added 64/32 bit OS info in the User Info section.
- Added “Plus” after version number, referring to Plus mode, in Lite and CL products.
- Mixer log added to include audio info (7.50.019 beta)
- Mixer Log section now displays default playback and recording devices.
Note: You can run the Mixer log separately by downloading hcmixer.exe from, and then clicking on the downloaded file. It produces HCMixerLog.txt in the same folder that you put hcmixer.exe into.
- Filter Transcript option added for Pristine Chat clients. (7.50.019 beta)
- HCURLTest entries in HOSTS file are individualized by product, to improve hotComm link handling. (7.50.019 beta)
HCURLTEST3 - hotComm Std/pro
HCURLTEST4 - hotComm Lite
HCURLTEST8 - Pristine
HCURLTEST9 - iConference
Revision 7.50.015 includes changes introduced since 7.50.005. Please note the change in how long data files are kept in UPLOADS and DOWNLOADS for hotComm Lite and hotComm CL.
The changes include:
General changes
- Timed camera now works on 64-bit Vista systems.
Note that hotComm is still a 32-bit application.
3/13/09 - Note that Windows User Account Control (UAC) must be turned off to allow time-camera to work with admin run apps. A message box will be displayed if UAC is turned on. 4/30/09 - we are no longer sure that you must turn off UAC.
4/30/09 - Note that you cannot take snapshots of applications that are set to "Run as Administrator". You must change those applications so that they run as normal applications, not administrator. This is because hotComm in Vista 64-bit must run as normal, not admin.
Fix for timed camera updates freezing on presenter side.
WMV recording - if no hotCam window is visible when a WMV recording is started, then the entire desktop is shown.
WMV recording - better detection of Wave Devices for WMV recording.
WMV recording - check for updates to the Windows Media Encoder Series 9 before allowing WMV recording. You get an informational message on startup with a link to updates.
WMV recording - if you are trying to record a monitor size greater than 1920x1200, you now get error messages.
The recording button tooltip changes to "Stop Session Recording" when recording is in process.
HCR recording playback into a room - if you are a moderator playing an HCR recording into a room, the Peak Meter is no longer displayed.
Audio - A fix in IMC allows for some systems that have audio record/playback failures to work. For example, a Vista system with one speaker, one recording device, and no stereo mix.
Audio - correction to the Playback Device selection in the VoIP Settings window, so that the selection now sticks.
Private Message - Fix for missing newline in Private Message. This should prevent private messages being displayed too early in the transcript.
Transcript - Changed limit for not displaying the label "[typing]" in a room. The label only appears when there are 10 or fewer users in the room and the typist is in Line mode. The previous limit was 20 users.
Font size - Changes to the zoom ratio selection are now saved in the transcript and hotScript panels. If you changed the font size by zooming it, the change is now saved. You can zoom the font size by pressing your CTRL key and using the [ bracket or ] bracket to make the font larger or smaller, or by pressing your CTRL key and rolling your mouse ball.
Passwords - Fix for Session Password pop-up appearing when it should not, on clicking a link to join the room.
Text-to-Speech - Fixes for the Text-to-Speech menu in hotComm CL. The Day Trading option is now available. The checks are now remembered.
Connection - If the Connection Error Log is visible during startup, it closed automatically when your connection is successful.
hotComm Lite and hotComm CL
Automatic data file cleanup - Fix for a problem in hotComm CL and hotComm Lite where data files were not automatically cleaned out as they were prior to 7.50.000. Files are now automatically deleted from the hotComm UPLOADS and DOWNLOADS folders after two full days. The files are deleted when you start your hotComm client. This means that on any day, you have the files from today, yesterday and the day before yesterday.
For Lite and CL, the ability to drag-and-drop files or custom sounds is now a PLUS feature, available to PLUS users, users in a Limited-PLUS-demo enabled room, and CL moderators. Moderators can disable drag-and-drop by these users.
Server changes
URLs pushed into a room no longer display on the Server.
New front end for VEVENT logfiles.
Revision 7.50.006a includes:
- Improvements to the multi-room broadcast feature.
- Fix in HCR playback for recording problem where images would freeze in playback if differential updates were out-of-sequence.
- Fix in Session Record Setup for password and room-specific nickname handling in Enable Room Moderation and for a problem where recording started automatically if room moderation enabled.
- Fix in server-side logging (CL.log).
Revision 7.50.002-7.50.004 were beta releases that were not generally available. See 7.50.005 for the cumulative changes 7.50.001-7.50.005.
Revision 7.50.001 includes:
- hotCam window - fix for frame always resizing to fit image regardless of "Allow Frame Resize" setting.
Revision 7.50.000 includes:
hotComm Multi Pro, which includes hotComm Pro features plus the ability to present in multiple rooms at the same time, allowing audiences of up to 32,000 users!. This is an extra cost product, so please contact Sales if you are interested.
"Sticky" hotCam window resizing options, for a specific room and session number. If you select a size option for the image you see, that size stays selected and is in use for all subsequent camera shots in that room and session number. For example, if you select 1/2X, then each image will be presented half size until you select a different option.
The session number is the "S1" or "S2", etc., that you see in the title bar of the hotComm chat window frame. If you are using hotComm CL or hotComm Lite, the session number is always S1, so the stickiness will seem to apply to the room. If you are using hotComm Standard/Pro and join multiple rooms, it is likely that you won't always join rooms in the same order, so the session numbers may vary. In this case, if you join the Test room in S2 (for example) and select 1/2X (for example), you'd get that setting again when you joined the Test room again in S2, but not if you joined the Test room in S3.
- CL moderators no longer have to re-type all passwords when changing just one. If you are a CL moderator changing passwords, and you see asterisks in a password field, that means that there is a password already set. If you leave the asterisks alone, the password is not deleted or changed. If you see blanks, that means there is no password set. If you send blanks, you are removing the password.
- Standard/Pro listed moderators who connect to a room with the CL moderator password can now change room passwords. This allows room owners to authorize someone other than themselves to change room passwords.
- Session Encryption key can now be changed. This applies to rooms using the special HIPPA encryption feature.
People can run hotComm from user-level Windows accounts, not just from administrator accounts unless they are presenting. This is especially useful in corporate installations where only IT staff have Admin privileges. To implement this, the location of the hotComm data files on Windows XP and Windows Vista have changed. The data files are now located in:
Vista: c:/ProgramData/1stWorks
XP: c:/Documents&Settings/All Users/ApplicationData/1stWorks
Chat and hotCam window frames are automatically brought into the visible monitor space if their stored locations are off-monitor. If you've ever had a window stuck at minimize or maximize, this feature is for you.
The hotComm loader is installed with hotComm Lite on Windows Vista systems, for handling screen captures in Vista. The loader was shipped with hotComm Standard/Pro and hotComm CL in previous releases. Your desktop icon runs hotComMD.exe instead of hotComm.exe. hotComMD.exe launches hotComm.exe.
Improvements in audio device detection.
- Better selection of VoIP playback devices, such as Speakers, Headphones, Digital.
- Allow "sum" as an added Wave Device search string.
- Better WMV wave device detection.
- Better control of volume slider for VoIP playback devices on Windows Vista.
Recording fixes:
- The Recording button is disabled until all data from the previous recording is saved.
- If you make more than one recording during a session, the files for each recording are now kept individually. Previously, the audio portion was all in the same file.
- When recording is disabled in a room, the Record Program App Check will not shut down Microsoft Outlook.
Update and version options:
- hotComm Lite headset icon balloon displays the correct trial period information
- Update Version option in the headset icon and help menus include an option to update to a specific version number.
- Upgrade to hotComm Standard option is added to the hotComm Lite help menu.
- hotScript entries are saved in the hotScript.txt file when entered, so entries are not lost in case of software crash.
- hotScript Alert does not play unless a sound is associated with it.
- Nickname size is limited to 30 characters.
- If ENTER key is pressed in the middle of the input line, the entire line is sent. Previously, only the portion prior to the ENTER key was sent.
- Mute Gun+ no longer mutes voice.
Messages from 1stWorks can be displayed from the 1stWorks VNS server.
- Connection Log is not sent automatically to 1stWorks if the Connection is successful.
- hotComm CL no longer accidentally connects to two rooms if your Pop-up Connect on Startup checkbox is checked and you are connecting through a link or "Connect to roomname" shortcut.
- Automatic re-connection after lost connection improved.
Revison 7.30.010a is provided for hotComm Standard/Pro and hotComm CL only. It includes:
- The Mirror Driver is no longer installed with the product. The files for it are still copied into the hotComm/BIN or hotCommCL/BIN folder, but the mirror driver is not installed as a device. You can install it as a device manually. See
If the mirror driver is installed as a device, hotComm will load it automatically and use it for the timed camera unless you include the /mdx option on your hotComm.exe startup command line. The /mdx option tells hotComm not to load the mirror driver.
Revison 7.30.010 includes:
- Standard/Pro Send to Room feature "Send" button now works with whatever is displayed for the room address without requiring you to click the "Find" button first.
- Fix - hotCam image "Save As" option no longer captures the Save As dialog window instead of image contents.
Revision 7.30.009 Standard/Pro includes:
- Send to Room feature now searches first on a direct match for the roomname you type in, then searches for roomnames containing the string you type.
- Send to Room feature now accepts relay:roomname syntax as well as just roomname.
Revision 7.30.009 CL and Lite are the same as revision 7.30.008 CL and Lite.
Revision 7.30.008 Standard/Pro and Lite, and revision 7.30.007 CL, include:
- Moved the audio status (“Audio On/Mute/…”) to precede the “Ready” status indicator.
- Webcam is now disabled by default in the client. To enable your webcam in a webcam-enabled room, use the "/vy" command line option. Note that the room must also be enabled for webcam. Previously, you would use the "/vx" option to disable your webcam in a webcam-enabled room. Once your client is webcam enabled and you join a webcam-enabled room, you can use the webcam icon to turn the camera on and off.
- You can now save a hotCam image sent by a presenter using Mirror Driver.
- Disable Aero in Vista when using the Collaborator and not using Mirror Driver.
These releases include general fixes, as well as:
- A Standard/Pro user who tries to connect as a Panelist to a room where they are not an authorized panelist is connected as a user. Formerly, you got an error message saying that you weren't an authorized Panelist.
Revision 7.30.000 includes:
- Mandatory Upgrade due to End-Of-Life on our Primary VNS server forcing us to operate on the backup system. Without this upgrade, the clients would not be able to find the new Primary VNS Server in the event of the Secondary failure. We apologize for the lack of notice, but the 4th of July weekend seemed a better choice than mid-trading-week.
Revision 7.20.21 includes:
- Auto-upgrade from hotComm Lite to hotComm Standard. The automatic upgrade downloads and installs hotComm Standard, moves your existing Lite data files to hotComm Standard, uninstalls Lite and automatically registers hotComm Standard using your existing hotComm Lite information, and calculates how many days of hotComm Standard time you will receive based on your remaining Lite time. The time is prorated based on the comparative cost of the products, so you get fewer days of Standard than you had of Lite. See Upgrade Lite to Standard.
This list includes changes in point revisions since 7.20.000. Please make sure you update to the latest revision in order to get all the changes.
- hotComm CL menu bar now includes:
- Change-my-Nickname, which opens the Change Identity dialog, and
- Font Size, which changes the size of the text in your transcript and typing area.
- hotComm CL Preferences now includes a third option for Invited List location. Click the Invited List option repeatedly to toggle between Bottom, Left and Right.
- hotComm CL typing area - the initial message in the typing area when you start hotComm CL now says:
"Please type your message here, then hit ... Icon at right requests help >>"
hotComm Lite and hotComm Standard/Pro continue to say "Please respect copyright laws when transferring data."
- CL Plus users can now change nicknames.
- CL Plus users can now uninstall and reinstall on the same computer. If you reinstall with the same email address, CL recognizes your CL Plus status if you put the original unlock code in again. Note that you can reinstall with a non-CL Plus email address, but you do not get CL Plus features until you reinstall with the original CL Plus email address and unlock code.
- Std/Pro Panel User auto-recognition - if you selected Panel User as your operations mode, Std/Pro now recognizes whether you are authorized as a Panel User on the relay server when you try to connect to a room on that relay. It then connects you as a Panel User if you are authorized, or as a regular user if you are not. Previously, it tried to connect you as a Panel User whether or not you were authorized.
- Clicking a second room link (all clients)
- If you are in a room and you click a link to take you to the same room, hotComm ignores the request.
- If you are in a room and you click a link for a different room, hotComm CL and Lite automatically switch you into the second room; hotComm Std/Pro opens a new session and connects you into the new session.
- WMV recording - fix for the "Wave out mixer is not available in this system. Recording feature is disabled." message that some users should not have gotten when starting WMV recording. Users with certain audio devices may still see the message.
- Realtek High Definition Audio Driver workaround for people recording in WMV format on Widnows Vista. In brief, the driver provided with Vista does not work; you need a Realtek driver provided by Realtek. See WMV Session Recording - Troubleshooting.
- Connectivity fixes.
hotComm 7.20 is a required upgrade in order to coordinate what is sent and received.
The release includes:
General Client Changes
- A tooltip for the headset icon in the lower right corner of your Windows taskbar giving you basic information about your product and identification.
- Drop sounds. You can now send your own sounds by dragging-and-dropping sound files onto the Sounds button (the ear with music notes), providing the Sounds feature is not restricted by room Session Controls. The sound file must be in WAV format and cannot be larger than 500K. The sound is played immediately into the room. It is not added to the list of pre-defined sounds. See
Note: this joins the previously introduced abilities to drop pictures onto the camera icon and drop files onto the file sharing icon.
- AE changes:
- Sound files embedded in AEs are now sent to the recipient's client and played locally, instead of being played through a microphone. You no longer need to have the microphone on in order to play an audio AE. There is no change in the way you use the AE controls to create audio AEs. See
- Lite clients now include the AE button, so they can create and edit AEs.
- CL moderators and presenters now include an AE button, in addition to the previous AE option in the right-click menu.
- hotComm volume controls. Windows Vista supports separate volume controls for each application. Therefore, in Windows Vista, you can set the volume for hotComm separately from other applications. See Volume and Balance. (Note, this is a feature of Windows Vista, and is not due to feature coding in hotComm.)
- Recording sound file fix. A loophole has been fixed for long recordings that have many audio segments (a segment is when audio starts and stops within the same recording).
- Timed Recording auto-login (Std/Pro only). Recording settings now includes a relay:room combo-box filled from the Users List. If you select Timed Recording and you select a relay:room, it should log you into the room if not already logged and start the recording 10 seconds later at the prescribed time. [Note: this feature will be in Std/Pro 7.20.009.]
- Private Messages. If private messages are disabled by session controls, the right-click menu in Invited List says "PMs are disabled by moderator" in grayed out text.
- Ask Support A Question. The Ask Support A Question feature now supports European characters.
- Different nicknames for each room (Std/Pro). You now can log into each room with a different nickname. Right-click the room name and select "Join room as User" or "Join room as Panelist". Type in the room password, type in the nickname you want to use, and click Join. Or, right-click the relay name, and select one of the Join options, type in the password and nickname, and click Join.
If you leave the Join Nickname blank, you'll log in with the nickname set in Options, Mode/Identity.
hotComm remembers the last nickname you used for each room.
- The Silent List feature is removed from all products.
- Transcript behavior - if the room moderator has set Keyboard disable (users can't see each others' posts) and you have joined as a user (not a moderator, panelist, or CL presenter) and the room is configured to let you see the prior transcript when you join, then you only see in the prior transcript the posts of moderators who are in the room when you join. The prior transcript you see will not include posts of moderators who left the room before you joined.
If a moderator posts into the room and then leaves before you join, and comes back after you join, you will not see their prior posts unless you disconnect from the room and re-join while they are still there. When you re-join, you will see all their prior posts.
- Connection improvements, including better recovery from network IP changes.
- Connection Notification Log. When you start the hotComm client, you see a Connection Notification Log that traces the connections your hotComm client makes to the 1stWorks location server, the 1stWorks proxy server and the relay servers. If you are having a problem connecting, click "Send Email" and supply a brief description of what you want to connect to. If you successfully connect to the room you want, you can ignore the log.
Please note that this log is designed for our engineers to use in diagnosing connection issues, and the messages are written for them rather than for customers. In general, you can ignore these logs unless you are having a problem connecting or staying connnected.
You can see the log by clicking View, then Connection Logs.
1stTime LOG - a special connection notification log is set to 1stWorks Support automatically when you install a hotComm client.
- Send to Room feature. hotComm Standard/Pro moderators can push a room address to a Lite or CL client. Right-click the user's nickname in Invited List and select Send to Room. Then type the room name into Find Room and click Find Next. When the room is found, type in the room password and click Send User.
In the case where the same room name exists on more than one server, you can click Find Next repeatedly to cycle through them.
If the room is password-protected, you must type in the correct password. If the room does not have a password, you can simply type a space (or anything) for CL clients and leave it blank for Lite clients.
The address is added to the user's Target Site in the format relayserver:roomname, so they can get back to the room easily.
- Improved connection messages. There are new connection error messages to help identify the reason for a connection problem. Most noticably, the old "room does not exist" message has been separated into several messages, depending on the cause. Also, if you are using a Kaspersky security product, you get an additional message with links to instructions for configuring Kaspersky for hotComm clients.
Explanations and instructions regarding the messages are available at
- Typo prevention.
- In Lite and CL, the Green Person button Target Site removes spaces, second colons, illegal characters
- "Your hotComm Identity" window nickname disallows unlock codes or obvious room addresses
- The hotComm Room Shortcut builder utility now removes spaces and colons.
- hotComm Standard/Pro is automatically activated. You no longer need to type or paste in the 44-character Activation Key during registration.
- Uninstall Survey. When you uninstall a hotComm client, you are sent to a website where you can fill in a survey to tell us why you are uninstalling. Your feedback is valuable and helps us improve our products.
- Installers do not install Mirror Driver on 64-bit computers.
- Dr. Watson for Windows Vista. This is a separate installer for the Dr. Watson diagnostic utility on Windows Vista.
CL Plus
Introducing CL Plus - an innovative CL upgrade with unlimited lifetime access to more powerful features. For an introduction, see It includes:
- CL Plus users can choose multimedia recording (WMV) for both audio and charts where permitted instead of just audio. See
- CL Plus users can create custom Abbreviation/Expansion messages to complement the standard set plus custom .wav files and emoticons. See Note that you can create your own custom emoticons. See See
- CL Plus users have access to the hotScript feature to display postings from selected people only. See
- CL Plus user nicknames will be shown with a special color in the Invited List.
- Your lifetime CL Plus upgrade has a one-time fee. Note: "lifetime" applies to the original email address used. It is not transferable to other email addresses.
Version 7.07.000 includes:
- Green Person button in hotComm CL, to allow direct connections to rooms. The instructions are the same as for hotComm Lite. The button functions the same way it does for hotComm Lite, with these notes:
- hotComm CL still requires a password in order to determine whether you are joining as user, presenter or moderator; if the room does not have a password, you simply type a space or anything you wish.
- For the "Pop-up Connect to Target Site on Startup" checkbox: hotComm CL is shipped with this box unchecked. hotComm Lite is shipped with this box checked.
See hotComm CL and the Green Person button.
- In hotComm Standard/Pro, all hotComm format (HCR) record options are selected by default in a new install.
- In hotComm Standard/Pro, the hotScript now contains entries from all open sessions (rooms). You can add or remove users to/from the list from any room. The hotScript itself is viewable from Session 1 only.
- The timestamp for each hotScript entry now includes the date as well as the time.
- In hotComm Lite, the language in the "Your hotComm Lite Identity" window has changed. It now asks for your name or nickname instead of your identity.
- The ReLog to hotComm Server option has been added to the hotComm CL and hotComm Lite headset icon right-click menu. This option relogs you into the hotComm VNS server. Use it if it looks like you are in a session but the earphones on the headset icon have changed to white or gray instead of red-and-blue.
In hotComm CL and hotComm Lite, if you are not connected to a session, the icon menu includes a grayed-out Resync to hotComm Server. This is non-functional, except as a placeholder for the functional equivalent in hotComm Standard/Pro.
hotComm Standard/Pro note: there are equivalent options in the hotComm Standard/Pro headset icon menu.
- You see ReLog to hotComm Server if you are logged into any sessions; clicking it relogs you into the hotComm VNS server. Use it if it looks like you are in a session but the earphones on the headset icon have changed to white or gray instead of red-and-blue.
- You see Resync User List if you are not logged into any sessions; clicking it causes the VNS to refresh the connection data for each user and relay in your User List. Use this if you are online but some of your relays are red.
- General connectivity improvements, using the newest connection IMC.DLL module.
- When using Transparent Collaborator, hotComm menus open correctly without immediately vanishing.
- When presenting from a Vista computer with the display set to Aero, and not using the hotComm Mirror Driver, the ThruView and Transparent Collaborator features do not work correctly. With ThruView, the hotComm window image remains visible. With Transparent Collaborator, the lines you draw are all black. Workaround: use the Mirror Driver, or set your Windows display to Basic.
To change your Vista Windows display, right-click on your desktop and select Personalize. Then select Window Color and Appearance. Then select Open classic appearance properties for more color options. In the Appearance Settings window, select Vista Basic, then click Apply and OK.
Version 7.06.011 includes:
- Fixes for various problems
hotComm CL includes the Change Identity option in the Preferences menu.
Revision 7.06.010 includes the following:
- Custom emoticons - to create a custom emoticon, drag a graphic into the hotComm chat typing area. The graphic must be 76 x 46 pixels or less. We tested with .bmp, .jpg, .gif, and .ico file types. The graphic file is added to the /WEB/IMG folder in your hotComm user data folder, with the name emotnnn, where nnn is a number. The graphic is also added to your emoticon list. When you use it, people see it but a copy is not stored on their computer. You can have a maximum of 256 emoticons, including the ones we ship plus your custom ones. See hotComm User Guide, Emoticons.
- Problem with people not seeing posted still shots is resolved. A /TEMP folder is created in your hotComm User Data /WEB folder for use during posting.
- Problem displaying Timed Region on a second monitor may be fixed.
- Pristine Chat client can now connect to the Test and Support rooms on Relay, but not to other rooms on the hotComm servers.
Revision 7.06.006 includes the following:
- If saved password is wrong, you get the Session password window, not an error message.
- "Open Session Transcript" now points to the correct folder.
- Fixes to hotComm Standard/Pro file sharing, for use with server updates
- New IMC.DLL (Connectivity module)
Revision 7.06.005 includes the following:
- hotComm Standard/Pro Edit menu includes the new Find User,Server,Room option. This searches your User List for entry names that contain the string you type in, including relay server names, room names, and names of users in your All Users list.
- Foreign Windows directory structures are now supported, so that users with non-US Windows can post still shots in rooms.
- Various server-side fixes
Revision 7.06.004 includes the following fixes:
- hotComm CL transcripts can be opened successfully
- "Do you want to listen to HiFi" message is removed.
7/1/07 - hotComm CL, 7/3/07 all products
- hotCam window resizing buttons now work with Mirror Driver images
- Fixed - sluggish cursor with Mirror Driver Timed Camera
- Fixed - too many mouse clicks required for Still Camera shots
- TrueColor is forced to un-checked during install, due to the many people who checked it as a workaround only
- TrueColor now has three settings:
* Unchecked. Image color is 9 bit, 512 colors. Best business-class setting for live charts.
* Checked. Image color is 12 bit. Best setting for PowerPoint.
* Checked, but requires enabling in server Room Profile Setting. Image color is 32 bit, totally lossless. Best for x-rays and very-high precision.
7/03/07 - hotComm CL only
- New language with password challenge, telling CL users to try just clicking OK
- Invited list can be positioned on left or right, on the Preference menu.
- Alert In/Out option on the Preference menu to control the Joining Peer alert option. Note - you must be logged into a room as a moderator, and you must have a sound associated with the hotComm "Joining Peer" sound event under Sounds in your Windows Control Panel.
Revision 7.05.002a includes the following fixes:
- hotComm Lite shortcuts to the UPLOADS and T'SCRIPTS folders are included in the install, and point to the new file locations
Revision 7.05.002 includes the following fixes:
- hotComm CL update link no longer gives "page not found" message
- microphone sound quality issue resolved
- mic issue resolved when moving from quality level 5 to quality level 6 without turning off the mic
The 7.0 revision is a required upgrade. Please see Revision 7.0 Highlights for more detail. This revision includes:
- New Timed Camera technology.
- Incremental changes are detected faster with the new Mirror Driver in Std/Pro and CL for presenters and moderators.
- Incremental changes are delivered in small rectangles, instead of as a whole line.
- Scrolling movement of the content is recognized as such, not as a new image.
- New installers and installer options for the Mirror Driver.
- Separate installer for CL Moderators and Presenters includes the Mirror Driver. The Mirror Driver is not included in the regular hotComm CL installer.
- Standard/Pro installer offers you the option to install the Mirror Driver or not.
- In Vista, if you install the Mirror Driver, you start hotComm with a special Launcher, hotComMD.exe, that runs as administrator.
- New !M-live Link Connection Technology
- The !M-live link lets non-Java users connect directly by clicking a weblink
- The link can include parameter values, such as username and password
- Clicking the link auto-launches the most recent hotComm Windows client you ran, if one isn't running
- We also refer to this as the !bang link.
- Improved connection sensing.
- New NOType Java command line option prevents any typing by Java clients
- For Moderators - the Keyboard Disable function has been separated from Isolate Users on the Session Control toolbar. If you want to prevent users from posting to other users as well as prevent them from seeing other users in the Invited List, click both buttons.
- User interface improvements:
- The Standard/Pro window now says "hotComm Standard" or "hotComm Pro", making it easier to tell which product you're using.
- Moderators and Presenters names and postings appear in blue
- CL Presenter icons are a Yellow C inside a Blue L. CL Moderator icons continue to be Blue C inside a Blue L.
- CL includes visible menus as well as the previous right-click menus
- Microsoft Encoder installation is moved from the Standard/Pro install to the Session Recording Setup window
- License changes
- Lite activation is automatic. The 8-character activation key still exists, but users no longer need to get it by email and enter it in.
- Lite and Standard unlock codes are interchangeable. The number of days is adjusted up or down.
- Unlock code error messages have been revised.
- Windows Vista - hotComm is now Vista compatible. Some things to note are:
- If you installed the Mirror Driver, you run the hotComMD.exe program, which starts hotComm with Run As Administrator checked.
- When you click the !bang link, you launch hotComm.HCurl, which manages the connection.
- Data files are now stored in Documents and Settings, not in Program Files, as part of the Vista compatibilty project. For detail, see Revision 7.0 Highlights.
- Prior data files are moved automatically during an update.
- Program files are stored in c://Program Files/1stWorks folders as usual.
- In XP, data and settings files are stored in c://Documents and Settings/youraccount/Local Settings/Application Data/1stWorks folders.
- In Vista, data and settings files are stored in c://Users/youraccount/AppData/Local/1stWorks.
Note: the skins introduced in hotComm Lite 6.75 have been disabled.
Available for: hotComm Lite only
This is preliminary to revision 7.0. Revision 6.75 contains:
- Skin: hotComm Lite has a new look (a skin). The /skx command line option turns off the skin. /sko turns it back on.
- Installation: hotComm Lite activation is automatic. The 8-character activation key still exists, but users no longer need to get it by email and enter it in.
- Unlock codes: hotComm Lite and hotComm Standard unlock codes can be used interchangeably, with the number days adjusted automatically due to the price difference between the products.
- Unlock code and connection error messages have changed.
- Windows Vista compatibility: you can run hotComm Lite without using the Run As Administrator option. Also, the hotComm weblinks now work on Vista in Internet Explorer and Netscape as well as Firefox.
- File locations have moved to accomodate Windows Vista. Program files are stored in c://Program Files/1stWorks folders as usual. In XP, data and settings files are stored in c://Documents and Settings/youraccount/Local Settings/Application Data/1stWorks folders. In Vista, data and settings files are stored in c://Users/youraccount/AppData/Local/1stWorks.
Applies to: hotComm Lite, hotComm Standard/Pro
Fix -- you now get an automatic free trial with the first licensed product you install whether or not you previously installed hotComm CL. This is a return to the behavior prior to revision 6.00.000. "Licensed products" are hotComm Lite and hotComm Standard/Pro.
hotComm Standard/Pro
- You can now record directly in Windows Media Video format (WMV). You can record audio and the visuals you see in the hotCam window including hotPointer, or you can record everything that is displayed on your primary monitor. This technique uses the Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9.0 , which can be downloaded during your hotComm Std/Pro install. The Encoder is about 10Mb to download. Please make sure you have adequate computer resources to run it as well as your other applications.
- File Sharing. Improvements in File Sharing user interface (see separate list).
- Multiple sessions. Joining Session 2 or higher no longer puts your name and <<Mic Off>> in the transcript.
- Audio Focus now changes correctly. When you select a different room for audio focus, it removes the audio focus from the room that you selected previously.
- Session Recording. You can now make more than one recording during the same session without losing audio on the second and subsequent recordings.
hotComm CL
- CL moderators can now change room passwords.
- CL moderators can now control webcams through the Session Control Toolbar in a webcam-enabled room. Disable prevents all webcam use by anyone (including moderators, presenters and users), enable allows webcam use by anyone. Note that only one webcam is allowed at a time.
- The hotComm CL with desktop shortcut installer (hclsetupr.exe) now installs both the regular "hotComm CL" shortcut and the "Connect to room" shortcut on your desktop. Uninstall leaves the "Connect to" shortcut in case you want to reinstall.
Whiteboard, Webcam and HiFi Audio recording
- Whiteboard in a room is limited to rooms with 10 or fewer attendee-level users. This limit does not include moderators and presenters.
- Webcams are limited to one per room at a time.
- Webcam window now has a warning message about closing the data stream if the user tries to close the window while webcam is live.
- Notice about HiFi audio while recording. By design, HiFi audio is not recorded. When you are recording a session and the presenter is in HiFi mode, you now get a message warning you that the presenter's audio will not be recorded.
hotComm Std/Pro and Lite Registration Changes
- Std/Pro and Lite notices about expiring licenses and trials now includes the number of days remaining.
- hotComm Registration server now accepts connections on port 8080 as well as 80, which should make it easier for people to connect for registration.
hotComm Std/Pro File Sharing:
The File Sharing user interface has been improved:
- Toggle View button. Click the new View button to switch between seeing details or seeing a list. The list view includes column headings. In (Depressed) gives a Details view, with column headings. Out (not depressed) gives a list of files. This button replaces the right-click View List/View Details menu.
- You can now traverse your OUTBOX and INBOX folders.
- You can now download specific files or folders from within a folder in your INBOX. Previously, you had to download the entire folder.
- Menus. Right-mouse popup menu for files and directories now gray out items that are not allowed.
- Information balloons now wait until after 2 seconds without mouse movement before they appear. They vanish when the mouse moves or 1 minute has elapsed.
- Auto-update. If you have set a folder or file to auto-update, you can change the folder to which the updates are downloaded. To do this, press the SHIFT key while selecting Auto-Update. You are prompted for the folder location.
- GET. If a file or folder had been previously downloaded, selecting GET will
bring up the location where the file or folder was last downloaded, so you can change it.
- Status symbols. Coordination of the online status symbols in the main User List and the File Sharing user list has been improved.
Available for: hotComm Standard/Pro, hotComm Lite, hotComm CL
Standard/Pro, Lite, and CL
- The following problem can now be fixed by resetting your computer date/time to the current date/time: after changing computer date/time to something other than the current time, CL clients were unable to connect to rooms, and Std/Pro clients got a "Licenses suspended" message.
- The "Ask Support a Question" feature now sends information about your computer system and hotComm installation to the hotComm Support team, to help us diagnose the problem more quickly. For sample information, see Ask Support A Question in the hotComm User Guide.
- In File Sharing, you no longer get the error message "This parameter is incorrect" when trying to get a file.
- In File Sharing, the lists now display correct data.
- The /nd option now works for Session 1 as well as for other sessions.
- Message window. Messages left by any client attempting to connect directly to a Std/Pro user are now stored in a Message window, instead of being posted in the Std/Pro user's transcript. The message window pops up automatically when a message arrives.
- To open it yourself, click View, then Messages.
- In the Message window, double-click an entry to see the full message text.
- To delete multiple entries, highlight them and press your Delete key.
- Java messages. Java clients attempting to connect directly (peer-to-peer) to a Std/Pro user can now leave messages if the Std/Pro user does not respond or clicks the "I'm Busy" button.
The instructions that appear in the Java client transcript can be set by the Std/Pro user in their IM-Live DEFAULT_ONL.HTM file. If you customize your Java client skin, we recommend you coordinate the instructions with your skin. The parameters are:
- Waitmsg. Appears while the Java client is waiting for a response.
- Leavemsg. Appears if the response times out.
- Busymsg. Appears if the Std/Pro user clicks "I'm busy".
- Windows "I'm Busy" message. Windows clients can now leave messages if the Std/Pro user clicks the "I'm Busy" button (formerly they could only leave a message if the Std/Pro user didn't respond).
Some of these changes were introduced in limited distribution in 6.00.003x, 6.00.003ax and 6.00.003bx.
Available for: hotComm CL only
6.00.002ax fixes a problem where CL Moderators were unable to disconnect users from the room (users were disconnected from the moderator's Invited List but not from the room).
Available for: hotComm Standard/Pro, hotComm Lite, hotComm CL
6.00.002x fixes a problem where updating from 5.5 (or previous) to 5.99.000 through 6.00.001 might damage a hotComm Standard/Pro FOLDERS.HCD file.
Available for: hotComm Standard/Pro, hotComm Lite, hotComm CL
6.00.001 includes a fix for a problem with Yield Control. Note that both the presenter and selected user participating in Yield Control Dynamic Desktop must be using at least 6.00.001. Users who are watching may use any release and are not affected.
hotComm 6.0 includes everything available in the pre-release version 5.99.002x, as well as:
- Yield Application Control to user (available for hotComm Pro level licenses) - you can let one user at a time take control of an application that you are showing with Timed Application (camera), while others watch. This works with Timed Application, not with Timed Region or Timed Window. You are actually projecting Timed Application to the room, but you and the selected user are working with the Dynamic Desktop remote control feature. To do this:
- Right click the user's name in the Invited List and select Yield Application Control to User.
- Control of the area you are shooting with Timed Application immediately passes to the user. You and the selected user see it in a Dynamic Desktop window. Other users see the area as Timed Application.
- When you are ready to take back control, tell the user to click the Yield Local Control button in the Dynamic Desktop window. This gives the most graceful exit.
If you want to take back control by force, click the hotComm window for the session you're using Dynamic Desktop in and press your F9 key.
- You (the presenter) are actually sending Timed Application data to the users who are watching, and at the same time have a Dynamic Desktop connection with the selected user.
- The selected user is switched from a Timed Camera to Dynamic Desktop and, when done, back to Timed Camera.
- Session recording does not include Dynamic Desktop. You (the presenter) will have the results of the Dynamic Desktop because you're running both Timed Camera and Dynamic Desktop at the time. The watching users will have the results as well. The participating user's recording will not include the visual portion of the Dynamic Desktop session.
- If the selected user is running a revision less than 6.0, they will see both the Dynamic Desktop window and the Timed Application window. This uses significantly more bandwidth than just having one window. We recommend that anyone planning to take control update to a 6.0 revision or higher.
- Dynamic Desktop takes more bandwidth than Timed Camera.
- Yield Desktop Control to User - similar to Yield Application Control, except that it gives control of your entire desktop to one user. They see your desktop in a Dynamic Desktop window.
Available in production: hotComm CL and hotComm CL with shortcut icon builder
Available in pre-release: hotComm Lite and
hotComm Std/Pro
Changes made since 5.50.001:
- hotDoc. Significant improvements in the hotDoc feature, including:
- Version Control - hotDoc archives multiple versions.
- Get whichever version you want.
- hotDoc support now available for CL and Lite:
- CL users can't do anything
- Lite users and CL presenters can receive documents. When they request hotDoc, the server will push the folder to them.
- CL and hotComm moderators can download, upload, get doc, and can manage hotDoc folders.
- Auto-update available for HC moderators (not CL), except not including the T'SCRIPTS and UPLOADS folders.
- Handling compressed files. hotComm now downloads the most recent real version, not the compressed file stored on the server. The server stores compressed files with a .hza extension.
- hotCam. hotCam window includes combo box of Zoom types, so resizing is easier. (included in 5.50.001a for Std/Pro).
- Passwords.
- Room passwords. The room password, CL moderator password and CL presenter password are now entered in three separate fields. The old three-part syntax no longer works.
- The /arc=relayserver:roomname command line option now tries to connect using the most recent saved password. You only see the Session Password window if the password changed. This option is available for Std/Pro.
- If you connect with a room-specific desktop shortcut (Connect to "roomname" on ["relayserver"]), the password for the room is saved. You are not prompted again unless the password changes. If you want to enter a different password (for example if you have been connecting as a user and now you want to enter with the moderator password), disconnect from the room without exiting hotComm CL, click the shortcut icon again and you will be prompted to put in a password.
- Room password management. Room owner sees room passwords in Options >Mode/Identity. If the Room Owner changed passwords from that computer, the passwords show in clear text. If the passwords were changed from any other computer (including the server), they display as asterisks (***).
- Sound Events. For CL, Joining Peer and Leaving Peer events are now installed without associated sounds; note that only moderators hear these sounds. For Std/Pro, those events continue to be installed with associated sounds. You can set the sounds yourself, see Software updates do not change your settings for existing events.
- Registration
- hcUser nickname. Lite and CL no longer display "hcUser" as the default nickname. A user-entered nickname is required.
- Email validation. Problems with email validation during Lite/CL registration are fixed.
- Java client user count. Java client no longer displays user count if Isolate Users is enabled.
- Recording disable. Loophole in recording disable is fixed.
- Fixes to CRM log handling (VEVENT).
- Communications API allows room profile management through ASP as an alternative to through terminal services.
- Updated compiler to VC-7.
This revision is available for hotComm Standard/Pro only. It includes:
- Combo box of Zoom types in the hotCam window
- Print and Save are disabled when recording is disabled through Session Control.
- Content Relay Manager fixes in handling of VEVENT logs
Changes made to hotComm since 5.50.000b:
- New shapes in Selections Toolbox. See Changes to Transparent Collaborator, below.
- All - AboutBox Dialog fix to correct "update available since ..." message
- All - New method of updating PEAK METER to correct problem where hotComm may crash on some computers when mic is on.
- Lite Import - Allow import button in Lite Identity dialog even when Nickname or
Email address are not entered.
- Lite Import - Allow import of Lite Identity without needing to restart hotComm.
- Lite and Std/Pro - When processing an unlock code, all buttons in the registration window are grayed out until response is received from the VNS.
- Std/Pro Transcript - Remove user "speed" info from the top of the transcript.
- Std/Pro Transcript - On the server, the complete transcript (no stripping) is saved when transcript is cleared.
- Std/Pro Import - After an import, hotComm starts if "Run on Finish selected" is checked. Technically, hotComm is started and closed automatically earlier in the import process in order to import the files.
- Std/Pro Registration - spaces are no longer accepted in website names.
- Std/Pro Registration - Pages are always displayed even if HCRG was cancelled before entering 44-byte activation sequence.
- Pro moderators can filter user posts before they go into the transcript. See Transcript Filter, in the User's Guide under Moderator Features.
- Fix - Std/Pro Independent file transfer now allows transfers from specific folders underneath /UPLOADS and /VEVENT. File transfer of the entire /UPLOADS and /VEVENTS folders is not allowed.
- CL moderators no longer see connection information from users connecting through a weblink. This information is only available to hotComm Standard/Pro moderators, who can disable it by clicking Options, then Mode/Identity, then unchecking Alert In/Out.
- Content Relay Manager - Hide AUDIO, CAMERA, VIDEO and CONTACT button if Content Relay Manager mode is selected.
Changes to Transparent Collaborator, which is available with Whiteboard, hotCam and hotWeb:
- Selections Toolbox - Polygons are a new shape option. While you are drawing a polygon, the outline is green if it is a perfect polygon, red if it is an almost perfect polygon, and the reverse image of the selected color otherwise.
- Selections Toolbox - Named pointer use by attendees is limited. Attendees cannot select named pointers when there are 4 or more already in use. This limit does not apply to moderators or CL presenters. NOTE: more than 4 named pointer causes everything to slow down.
- Collaboration menu - Save lets you save the whiteboard graphical contents, including mark-up, in a work-in-progress format. Load lets you reload the saved whiteboard contents and continue working on it. Ctrl+Shift is a hot-key sequence that toggles the Selections Toolbox Undo and Clear button with Save and Load.
- Named pointers - After you select a named pointer, left-click to turn the pointer on and off. Right-click to turn off pointer and change to previous Selections Toolbox settings.
- Fix - whiteboard no longer occasionally shows little squares in the text.
Changes made to Java client:
- Panel Display - Users can double-click on a Presentation to pop it out into a separate panel. Double-click the separated panel to return it to the fixed panel.
- Panel Display - If the Presentation is popped-out into a separate panel and the moderator stops the presentation, the Java client remembers that the presentation was in the popped-out panel. When the moderator starts the timed camera again, it appears in the popped-out panel.
- Panel Display - When a timed camera presentation is not playing, the presentation area can contain a graphic and a link.
- Fix - Java clients can now receive Dynamic Desktop presentations.
- New applet parameter - "LowBW". hotComm Java will not connect to the room if the minimum speed is not met and a "Speedlink" option is set. The Speedlink option re-directs the user to a message, so that you can tell they what's happening and what to do.
- New applet parameter - "TSoff". Disables access to the transcript, so that the user can see it, but cannot copy from it or scroll it.
- Fixes a problem on startup
- Fixes a problem where DNSAPI.DLL was required for email address validation.
5.50.000ax -
- This revision fixes a problem on startup on some faster computers.
Rev 5.5 includes:
- Recording and Playback
- Fast Forward and Rewind - Session Playback now has Fast Forward and Rewind, with the Playback Toolbar and Playback Slider. This is available for all hotComm Windows clients (not Java).
This works with session recordings made with current and previous releases.
- Includes Still Camera - Still Camera shots are now included in session recordings if you have Timed Camera checked in the Recording Setup.
- Playback Options - Playback options are now managed through the Select Session Media for Playback window (click a triangle button in the Playback Toolbar).
- Offline Playback - You can play a recording offline, without being connected to the 1stWorks Network, such as on an airplane.
- Intellectual Property protection - if the presenter has disabled Recording, then third-party recorders are automatically closed, with a notice.
- Abbreviations (AE), Voting Polls, Auctions
- AE Wizard - The Wizard generates the correct syntax for a Voting Poll or Auctions AE. To use it, select an AE and click the Wizard button in the Abbreviations Expansion (AE) dialog.
- Send buttons
Button | Action |
Send to this session | places the selected AE into the typing area of your current session or room. This replaces the Use Abb. button. |
Send to all sessions | places the selected AE into the typing areas of all room or session you're in. This replaces the Broadcast button. |
Note: this does not post the AE directly into the room. To post it, click in the typing area and press Enter.
- Voting Poll results - Voting Poll results are now displayed for all choices, even for those that received no votes.
- Auction display - auctions now display correctly to all clients.
- Voting Poll in Java - in hotComm Java, Voting Polls now display in a separate window.
- hotComm Java Client Management Options
There are new parameter options for the highly-customizable Java client. Note: there may be a charge for customizing a Java client; please see your 1stWorks Sales Rep.
- Minimum connection speed test - you can specify a minimum connection speed for Java clients. If the user's connection does not meet the minimum, they get a message in the chat transcript, and they can be re-directed to a more explanatory webpage (Speedlink). Note: the user can continue into the room; they are not blocked from entering.
- Pass email in Java link - an email address can be included in the room weblink, with the -em=address option. This affects Java clients only; it is ignored by the hotComm Windows clients.
- Panel Display format - Timed Camera presentations can be embedded in the main screen instead of in a separate window.
- Increased number of custom links - add your own links for PPT's, speaker bio's, emails, weblinks.
- Graphic on-the-fly - a graphic dropped by a hotComm Windows user into the room can appear automatically in the upper right corner of the Java client. Note: Windows hotComm clients see the graphic as a normal drag-and-drop file in a separate window.
- Connectivity
- New connectivity code - fewer TCP connections are made automatically in hotComm Standard/Pro. Initial connect time may increase, but reliability will improve.
- Improved handling of lost connections - User names are deleted from the Invited List after losing connection. Consequently, Private Messages are no longer delivered to the incorrect person when they are intended for someone who has lost connection.
- Install and Uninstall
- Install and Uninstall closes hotComm - If your hotComm is running when you install or uninstall a hotComm product, it will be closed automatically. Then the install or uninstall continues.
This applies regardless of whether you are installing or uninstalling the same product that is running, or a different one. It applies to all hotComm Windows products.
- hotComm CL Identity Email - hotComm CL now requires a valid email address in the Identity window.
- hotComm Standard/Pro registration - Default values are supplied for ezPeer Website and Password. You can edit the Website. The Password is hidden and cannot be changed. The default value for the ezPeer Website is: first initial of the first name, followed by last name.
- hotComm Standard/Pro ezPeer website and default nickname - you may be able to change the website and default nickname through Registration, Profile Information -- once.
Note: to change your nickname in rooms, click Options, then Mode/Identity and change the nickname under the selected mode.
- Visible Email, IP and other information
- Visible information from a link - Moderators can see email address and other information about users who join a room by clicking a link. Note: "Moderators" include hotComm Standard/Pro Panelists and Listed Moderators, and hotComm CL Moderators, but not CL Presenters.
Standard/Pro moderators can use the Alert User In/Out option to show or hide this information. Select Options, Mode/Identity, and check or uncheck Alert User In/Out.
A hotComm CL moderator always sees the information.
- Event Attendance Logs - event attendance logs can be made available to Room License Holders. You are the room license holder if you log in with hotComm Standard/Pro with the registration the room is based on. A fee may be charged; see your hotComm sales representative.
- User Profile - Email address is no longer visible through the hotComm Standard/Pro User List "Profile" option.
- Check User Info - Email address display through the Invited List "Check User Info" option is now limited. Room license holders (room owners) and Listed Moderators can see the email address.
Server-level Panelists and hotComm CL Presenters cannot see the email address. Users do not have the "Check User Info" option.
- Room Passwords
- Changing Room passwords - the room password field has been split into three separate fields in the hotComm Standard/Pro Mode/Identity window.
- Blank passwords. If you leave a password blank, it will be set to blank.
- Visible passwords. The most recent passwords you entered from this computer are shown in visible text. Note: passwords entered from other computers and passwords set on the server are not shown, so unless you were the last person to set passwords, these may not be the current passwords. Passwords are encrypted for transfer and storage.
- Content Relay Manager changes
- Visible passwords - passwords entered in the Room Profile are displayed in clear text. Passwords changed through a user's Mode/Identity dialog are displayed as asterisks. Note that passwords are encrypted for transfer and storage.
- Room name changes - changing the room name through the Room Profile also changes the names of underlying files and folders.
- Miscellaneous client changes
- Unlock code message - "Please wait ..." now appears while an unlock code is being processed in hotComm Lite and hotComm Standard/Pro. A message appears at the bottom of the window.
- Filename format - filenames now start with the date in YYYY-MM-DD format - filenames for transcripts, graphics and graphics now start with the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, to make them easier to find.
- Save hotCam (chart) window size and location - after you resize or move the hotCam window (where charts appear), the window remains that size and in that location even when the presenter changes charts. It remains that way until you close hotComm.
Note: applies to Windows hotComm clients only.
- Miscellaneous improvements and fixes
Miscellaneous improvements and fixes in server, client, and Java software, including:
- Fix - Reset Mic & Cams restores the Session Control toolbar to the defaults set on the server in the room profile.
- Fix - you can now delete a roomlink from a custom group in the hotComm Standard/Pro User List.
- Fix - crash after importing different audio card
- Fix - recording playback issues
5.00.012fx is for hotComm CL only.
- Joining Peer and Leaving Peer sound events are now supported in hotComm CL for moderators and presenter. These events play an audio alert when someone joins or leaves the room. To change them, see
- Abbreviations (AE) changes:
- New Abbreviations (AE) Wizard. Click the Wizard button to create or edit a Voting Poll AE or an Auctions AE.
- "Send to this session" puts the AE in the typing area in the current room or session.
- Auctions AE feature now displays Auction correctly to CL recipients.
To create or edit AEs in hotComm CL, join a room as a moderator. Right-click the bottom line of your hotComm CL window (the status bar) and select AE Settings.
5.00.012ex is for hotComm CL only.
- Timed Camera window is no longer closed when a moderator changes a Session Control toolbar setting.
- File names in the /T'SCRIPTS and /UPLOADS folders now start with the date and timestamp.
- If you try to uninstall hotComm CL when any hotComm program is running, you are prompted to close the hotComm program before the uninstall finishes.
- New help file.
- References to hotComm Conference Lite are changed to hotComm CL.
OEM version of hotComm CL.
- Input Peak Meter (which displays mic input) is now on the right side of your hotComm window.
- New Message sound event no longer plays when you are sent a pre-defined sound or a Timed Camera starts.
- New 6-day trial extension unlock code for hotComm Lite.
- Server-side fixes to the Update Moderator List function.
- New - Input Peak Meter. Displays on the status line of your hotComm window (the bottom line) when your mic is on, to show audio input levels. Enable or disable it with the Input Peak Meter checkbox in the VoIP Settings window (right-click Mic icon to get this window).
- Fix - Input Peak Meter replaces Caption Meter, which caused occasional crashes when mic was on.
- Fix - You can now start a new session recording within seconds of stopping a recording without overwriting the previous recording.
- Fix - Session recordings no longer record Private Messages that appear in the recorder's transcript.
- Session recording is automatically resumed when you are automatically reconnected if your connection drops.
- Fix for problem with Listed Moderators and Room License Holders opening rooms.
- Changes introduced in 5.00.010ax and 5.00.010bx.
This is a pre-release cut for 5.00.011 and 5.00.011x. |
- Changes in the default setting for microphone silence duration and volume (how long the silence is before hotComm stops transmitting audio, and how low a volume is interpreted as silence). This should fix a problem with audio dropping out occasionally.
- Session recording - each time you start a recording, it starts a new file. You can now make multiple recordings without closing the session.
- Client-side fixes for Microsoft Visual C++ error.
- Fix for hotComm crash due to interaction with some anti-virus software.
- hotComm Standard/Pro - Fix for problem with entering correct password for additional sessions if the first password was wrong.
- Server-side fixes for Microsoft Visual C++ error causing Timed Camera freezes.
- Audio - Recording Volume Slider can controls IntroWave option. Previously, it controled the Microphone and WaveMix options only.
- Room configuration supports a percentage of Java and/or CL clients.
- More fixes for microphone support.
- Java client - Fix for problem where Voting Poll crashes in the hotComm Java client if you let it time out and you are using the latest Sun Java.
- Webcam now works through Microsoft's DirectShow.
- Webcam - problem with TV Tuner is fixed.
- Webcam - ATI Camera Video IN problem with capture card is fixed.
- Room Profile now allows open mic in Private Sessions (extra room fee).
- Room Profile isolation default is now implemented through the Session Control toolbar 2-heads icon.
- Session recording - synchronization of audio and video in recording playback is improved.
- Session recording - timing in a network playback will be somewhat different than timing in a local playback.
- Timed Camera - caching on relay servers is changed to improve speed.
- Refresh Timed Display in hotCam display can be done only once every 30 seconds. This prevents bottlenecks from repeated refreshes and gives a chance for the differential updates to arrive.
- Fixes for microphone problems.
- Full session record now produces one file. You can post the .hcr file in a website link for hotComm users to play back.
- USB mic support.
- Audio VoIP dialog - you can select the input system, if you have more than one.
- Audio VoIP dialog - you can select the mixer system, if you have more than one.
- Session Record timer now works correctly.
- hotPointer is now displayed immediately to Java clients when they join a room.
- Joining users now see the correct In/Out status for people in the Invited Lists.
- Moderators are automatically removed from the silent list when they are added as moderators.
- New feature - Individual rooms can add an "I Accept" or "I Decline" window that users must accept before connecting to the room. Panelists and authorized moderators are not challenged. Room owners who want this feature should request it through their sales reps.
- Session Record. hotComm Standard/Pro can record a full session including audio, camera, webcam, transcript. The session recording can be played back by hotComm Standard/Pro, hotComm Lite and hotComm CL. Moderators can play a session recording in a room, where it can be viewed by all hotComm clients (including Java). See Session Record in the online User's Guide.
For hotComm CL only: includes various fixes
- Fix for the Session Control Disable Gimmickry feature.
- hotComm CL now includes webcam for all users unless disabled by moderator.
- hotComm Lite Change Identity is moved to the Options menu.
- When a user is blocked by a moderator or a SysOp:
- User gets a message telling them who blocked them.
- A message goes into the SysOp Server transcript.
- Cascade Windows on Primary now re-docks the transcript.
- Problem fixes
- Fix for crashes after several minutes of watching a chart.
- Transcript docking change: to "un-dock" the transcript, right-click in the transcript and select Undock Transcript. To re-dock the transcript, click the tiny X in the upper right corner of the transcript window, or right-click in the transcript and select Dock Transcript. (Double-clicking the transcript no longer un-docks the transcript.)
- Undocked transcript window title bar now says "Transcript".
- Fix - after clicking a link in the transcript, your cursor stays at that point in the transcript. It no longer jumps to the bottom of the transcript.
- Indent Transcript is no longer included in Gimmickry. To enable it, select Options, then check Indent Transcript.
- hotCam title bar displays compressed size in K as [user], such as [Support]<23K>.
- Fix for hotScript. hotScript now supports names with International characters.
- Options menu includes option to show or hide the language tags such as that appear after participants' names.
- Change in presentation of Camera shots (charts, slides)
Change: In Un-moderated rooms, all Camera shots sent by modrators are now auto-minimized. This includes all Camera choices (not Dynamic Desktop). Minimized means that they flash quickly, then are minimized and can be viewed by clicking their button on the Windows taskbar.
Unchanged: In a Moderated rooms, the moderators can choose to send their Camera shots minimized. Select Options, then Mode/Identity, and check "Minimize New Moderator Charts". If that box is checked, the charts sent by that moderator are displayed minimized. If it is unchecked, then Charts display automatically, medium size (i.e, not maximized, not minimized).
Unchanged: All User Camera shots continue to be displayed as links in the transcript.
- Transcripts panel can be moved around, or "un-docked". To "un-dock" it, double-click anywhere in the transcript area. To "re-dock" it, click the small X in the upper right corner of the transcript area.
If you double-click it when it is "un-docked", it presents you with the option to save the transcript.
- Gimickry, if disabled by the moderator through Session Control, now allows the Moderator to send sounds. Sounds from users continue to be disabled. A user can turn off the Moderator's sounds by selecting Mute-Gun+.
Includes fixes for internationalization.
- More - Internationalization changes to hotComm especially in Invited Lists & PM's.
- New - Big move toward internationalization of hotComm. Keyboarding is now presented in the native language in all transcripts provided that the receivers have that language supported.
- Change - hotComm CL no longer plays an Auto-typer for "test". For our "testy" customers.
- New - Gimmickry On/Off in View menu.
- Gimickry OFF turns off Indent Transcript and disables Sounds coming into a Room, Sounds from the Room, Raise Hand, Emoticons. Hides the Raise Hand, Smiley face emoticons and Sounds buttons. Sets Audio button to Mute-Gun+. Doesn't display emoticons or Raise Hand in transcript.
- Gimmickry ON enables those features.
- In Session Control, Whiteboard disabled is now Whiteboard and Gimmickry disabled.
- Change - In View menu, Gimmickry replaces Indent Transcript.
- Change - Still Camera is always set to TruColor (high intensity color).
- Change - hotComm CL moderator camera defaults to Timed Camera (3s). You can select other camera options.
- New - Session Controls can be pre-set on the server for a Room by the Room Concierge.
- New - Moderators can see the IP address of Java client attendees by right-clicking on their names in the User List.
- Change - Raise Hand in a room cannot be used without typing a message. Private Raise Hand is unchanged.
- Change - Mute-Gun+ now mutes recordings produced by Abbreviation Expansions (AEs), as well as muting the pre-defined Sounds.
- Fix - The mic source message no longer shows the wrong name.
- New - WhiteBoard is now available with Exclusive Control. When the presenter selects this mode, others cannot draw on the whiteboard or clear it. They can use the Pointer.
- Change - Isolate Users (in the moderator's Session Control toolbar) eliminates the guest list in the Java client.
- New - the Java client supports multiple banner links.
- Change - new IMC.DLL for improved connectivity.
Includes fixes for connectivity issues.
Includes for hotComm Standard/Pro, hotComm Lite, hotComm CL:
Raise Hand feature. If you are in a room or session, click the Raise Hand icon and it is posted into the room to let the presenter know you want attention. You can send a Private Raise Hand as well. Raise Hand also works in private sessions.
- Audio record timer is now 24-hour time, not AM/PM.
- Update notice Help button.
Includes for hotComm Standard/Pro:
- Truecolor control for charts and images. Presenters can change the intensity of the color in the images they are presenting. Select Option, then Preferences, then hotCam Setup, and check True Color for high intensity (12 bit) or uncheck True Color for lower intensity (9 bit, with 3 bits each of RGB). Low intensity reduces bandwidth by 40-50%.
Includes for hotComm Standard/Pro and CL Moderators:
- Remote Presentation Control: TrueColor and VoIP settings. Moderators can change another moderator's VoIP and Truecolor settings. Use this if someone else is presenting and you realize that their audio settings or chart intensity need adjusting. Right-click the presenter's name in the Invited List and select Remote Presentation Control, then change settings. Note: you cannot change audio source.
- hotComm CL moderators can clear server block list. This is a hotComm headset icon option.
- hotComm CL camera option includes Collaborative Still. This is a still camera shot with the Transparent Collaborator enabled for mark-up.
- AuDelay parameter for IM-Live Java applet to control the pre-buffer setting (audio delay) for Java clients. 8000 is a typical setting. 15000 is recommended for low bandwidth clients.
- Webcam and audio are now synchronized for Java clients.
- Fixes:
- audio issues.
- microphone hangs when turned off.
- Person speaking message shows wrong person's name.
4.00.002x 4.00.001x 4.00.000ax
ThruVu -tm New and revolutionary to the IM world allowing the IM
application to have a controllable level of opacity superimposed over your
chart or presentation thus not requiring a separate monitor. Even our Timed
camera will penetrate the hotComm dialog allowing you to view session
questions while showing a powerpoint or chart.
In brief, your hotComm chat window becomes transparent. To select TruVu mode, click View, then This Session Transparent.
To set opacity in Standard/Pro, click Options, then Preferences. 1 is almost invisible. 99 is almost fully visible. The default is 75. To set opacity in CL, right-click the headphones and make your setting. Opacity in hotComm Lite is fixed at 75.
Note: if you make the chat window transparent, and then shoot it with Timed Camera, anything underneath it is projected to your audience. It acts like a moveable, resizable region.
- Record Timer on the Audio allowing you to set the start-End timed to
avoid missing that unattended event.
- Audio / Video / hotPointer are synchronized.
- Caption-bar Mic VU meter / Volume control displays in the hotComm window when your mic is on.
- hotPointer and audio packets are combined to improve
"modem-friendly" bandwidths.
- Improved pre-buffering of audio in the Super-Java client to improve it's
- Addition of the popular "Collaborative-Still" camera mode to the CL
client. This mode displays your image with the Transparent Collaborator, so you can draw and write on top of the image.
5/10/04 - 3.70.010b
1. Fix for GPF in Windows 98 and ME on joining a room if the transcript is too big
2. Fix for audio issues
5/2/04 - 3.70.010a
1. Menu structure in hotComm Lite and Standard/Pro.
2. Fixes for audio problems.
4/26/04 - 3.70.000b includes:
1. Fix for audio recording problem. You can now record audio.
4/23/04 - 3.70.000a includes:
1. New audio codecs.
2. Room Accounts can now authorize Moderators for their rooms. Moderators get the Session Control toolbar, and additional options on the Invited List right-click menu (such as the ability to block users from the room). The Moderator authorization is valid only for the room you are authorized for. You can be added as a Moderator multiple times, once for each room you want to present in. Moderators can't add other moderators, and can't change passwords.
3. All rooms now have a 3-level password hierarchy. The syntax is guest:moderator:presenter.
4. If you forget the room password, you can easily send an email to the Room Account, asking for it. Right-click on the room name.
5. Java clients are now automatically reconnected if they are disconnected during the session.
1. Mute all no longer mutes Sound Events, so you can receive alerts for Private Messages and other sound events even when other audio is muted.
2. Changes in Auto Download in hotComm Standard.
1. Lite users can switch from one room to another by clicking the Person+ button. Enter the new room's address and click Connect. This disconnects you from the first room and connects you to the second room.
1. Standard/Pro - fix for audio focus problem. You can now control which room has audio focus by clicking on the audio message under the Invited List panel.
2. Private Message window now shows recipient's nickname in boldface font, for easier viewing.
3. Session Control toolbar (moderators only) - you can erase the current transcript from our server and users' computers by holding CTRL and clicking the Session Control A-in-a-circle icon. This gives moderators ability to remove harmful material that attendees may post.
4. Session Control toolbar changes:
- New Isolate Users icon (2-heads in profile). Attendees can see Panel Users, but not other attendees in Invited List and transcript postings.
- New Privitize Keyboard function (keyboard icon). Postings by Attendees are seen only by Panel Users, not by other Attendees. Attendees can still PM anyone. Use to reduce off-topic comments (such as "no sound") or to hold questions for the end (Panel Users can copy and paste them back into the transcript when its time for questions.
- Whiteboard and hotWeb disable are now combined in one icon.
5. License Unlock Code entry -- miscellaneous leading and trailing characters are removed, such as spaces and carriage returns.
6. Fix for problem where when you type and press enter, your message is not posted in the transcript (hotComm does an automatic relog into server).
7. Automatic update for hotComm components. The updater checks for newer components when you start hotComm and downloads them. The components are installed when you exit hotComm. You can download and update manually if you wish. Control to disable automatic updating are in the About hotComm window.
3.50.010b 3.50.010bx 3.50.010c 3.50.010cx |
1. In Registration window, Import and Export buttons are grayed out when you click Enter Unlock.
2. In Indent Transcript, the entire nickname is hotlinked if the nickname includes spaces. Note that the hotlink includes the RTF (rich text format) tag Prospero, which may be visible in some circumstance.
3. New "New Message" sound event to alert you when someone posts a message in the transcript.
4. Session Control "Record disable" now disables Ctrl-C and Ctrl-X as copy hotkeys as well as printing, copying, saving or emailing the transcript, and audio recording.
5. In hotComm Standard/Pro, Preferences look-and-feel is changed. Fonts is a separate window (click the Fonts button).
6. "Start hotPointer on Timed Camera" is now in Preferences as well as Operations (Yellow M button).
7. -nd command line parameter now causes automatic stop and start of Timed Camera if you are the presenter and the camera image has frozen for more than 15 seconds or twice the specfied interval, whichever is more.
8. Fix in File Sharing for if both users are unknown.
9. Fix in imlive.jar, crmr.jar and crmp.jar files.
10. Fix in imc.dll file.
1. "Upgrade" is now "Update", as in "Update your version of hotComm".
2. hotComm CL no longer uses up the free trial period that comes with Lite or Standard/Pro (whichever you install first).
3. The editor for hotBidMaster, the 1stWorks Auction Module, is now working. Java and Windows clients can participate in bids. To setup an auction, in an AE, type in A: and click Test/Edit. Your selections build AE syntax that looks like this -- A:ItemNumber:ItemDescription:StartingBid:Reserve:IncrementalBid:NumberSecondsAuctionLasts. (Example: A:E103:Rocking Chair:19.50:50:5:3600, means item number E103, is a Rocking Chair. Starting Bid is $19.50. Reserve is $50.00. Bid spinners increment in $5.00 increments. The Auction lasts 1 hour or 3600 seconds.) To start an auction, type the AE and everyone in the session sees the Auction window. They can bid using the spinners, or type in other amounts. You can click the B button on the bottom line of your hotComm window to restore the Auction window.
4. In the Session Control toolbar, Audio Record Disable now disables printing, copying, saving or emailing the transcript, as well as disabling audio recording.
5. Indent Transcripts is selectable. Right-click Smiley face icon, check (or uncheck) Indent Transcripts. When Indent Transcripts is checked, you may occasionally see the RTF tag "Prospero" appear before Nicknames.
6. Audio in Standard/Pro with multiple sessions will seek a speaker if the current speaker has been silent for over 10 seconds, unless you have selected audio focus for a particular session.
7. Export License/Identity button has been added to Registration windows in Lite and Standard/Pro.
1. Fix for excessive resource use when mousing around in transcript area.
2. Transcript text is now indented, with the time in a left-hand column. NOTE: in a future release, this will become a configurable option.
3. User names in the transcript are now "hot". Click the name to get a Private Message box.
1. Timed Region, a Timed Camera feature. To enable, right-click the Camera icon, select Timed Region. To use, left-click the Camera icon, move the cursor to the upper left corner of a region and left-click. Move the cursor to the lower right corner of the region and left-click. The content in the region will be sent in a hotCam window.
2. hotComm CL installer no longer includes desktop shortcut option. A separate installer for shortcuts is at
3. Quick Private Message. Right click on a private message you received, and select "Private Message to (name)".
4. Print selected part of the transcript. Highlight an area of the trascript, right-click, and select Print Selection.
5. Send selected part of the transcript to the group. Highlight an area of the transcript, right-click, and select Send Selection. This is useful for displaying part of an earlier discussion.
6. Preview of hotBidMaster, the 1stWorks Auction Module. To setup an auction, in an AE, type in A:ItemNumber:ItemDescription:StartingBid:Reserve:IncrementalBid:NumberSecondsAuctionLasts, and click OK. (Example: A:E103:Rocking Chair:19.50:50:5:3600, means item number E103, is a Rocking Chair. Starting Bid is $19.50. Reserve is $50.00. Bid spinners increment in $5.00 increments. The Auction lasts 1 hour or 3600 seconds.) To start an auction, type the AE and everyone in the session sees the Auction window. They can bid using the spinners, or type in other amounts. You can click the B button on the bottom line of your hotComm window to restore the Auction window.
7. Fixes for GPFs in the compression module on the servers.
1. Isolate Users session control now works with Java and Super Java.
2. New 5 level hotPoll with neat new create / edit mode.
3. Presenter Pro has Auto-hotPointer option.
4. DocMgr adds Events and Links Directories special features.
5. Registrations are auto-saved on VNS server on registrations.
6. Rooms can now be dragged into the Peer list groups.
7. CRM's can be dropped to other users by dragging to message panel.
1. Charts sent by room attendees are automatically minimized, as they were prior to 3.50.005. Timed-camera charts sent by moderators are not automatically minimized.
2. In hotComm Standard/Pro, you can choose to automatically minimize timed-camera charts sent by moderators. Click the Yellow M button and check "Minimize New Moderator Charts".
3. DayTrainer now includes a field for entering reasons or comments, Reason.
New and changed:
1. hotComm CL installer includes option to set up Shortcuts on your desktop for hotlinks to rooms you visit frequently. Note: do NOT use for hotLinks located in password-protected Members Only areas.
2. hotComm Standard - you can now drag roomnames into Groups in your User List. This enables you to keep all your rooms in one group, no matter which relay they are on. To create a group, right-click in any empty space in the User List and select New Group.
3. Timed camera posts from hotComm Lite users open fully, and no longer automatically minimize.
4. Session Control "Isolate Users" option now works for Java clients.
5. hotComm Lite has improved Registration language and help file.
6. DayTrainer now supports ZN contracts (10 year note futures).
7. New API for hotComm for remote text entry and capture.
1. Fixes hotLink connection problem where the room is set up to Pass Referred User, but doesn't have a password.
2. New /vx commandline option to disable Webcam; hotComm will not look for webcam or supporting modules. Use this if you have an Avion or similar video card, and hotComm crashes on startup.
3. Fix for problem with server overload.
3.50.004x 3.50.004ax 3.50.004 |
3.50.004 is provided for hotComm Lite only.
1. Lite now opens to the Activation Key window if you have not yet entered a valid activation key.
2. Fixes problem for Lite users re-connecting to a session after being disconnected.
1. Lite registration changes:
- Lite now requires an Activation Key for initial registration. Note that the Activation Key
is NOT the same as the License Unlock Code.
- Lite now requires a unique email address for each license.
2. Your Lite identity can now be exported to multiple computers, so that you can install the
same license at work and home (and other places). You can only log in from one computer
at a time.
3. The demo period on all hotComm products is now 7 days.
4. The underlying code for Dynamic Desktop has been changed.
1. Pre-production preview of the new DocManager function.
- DocManager is enabled on room-by-room basis.
2. Official release of SuperJava support. This offers significant improvements in quality and speed in the Java client.
3. New product: hotComm Pro Moderator
- This product allows SuperJava connections to an individual hotComm user's computer, so multiple customers can connect to you instead of to a server-based room. Up to 5 users can join the same S1 session. Replaces TreeCast Moderator. Unlock codes start with MOD-.
4. Moderator can now close a room by right-clicking on the BOT name and selecting Close Room. This disconnects everyone.
5. Connectivity enhancements during login, which should make connecting easier and more solid for Lite and hotComm Standard/Pro users. Lite users should see a faster login.
Includes internal improvements.
3.20.009b (12/8/03) - Panel Users can close the room by right-clicking on the -BOT name in the Invited List. This disconnects anyone who is currently logged in.
- hotComm Standard/Pro: Faster painting of the user list for larger groups
- hotComm Standard/Pro Panel User only: Check User Info option shows info about user (Standard/Pro users only). Right-click username in the Invited List and select Check User Info.
- EUR market added to DayTrainer
- Java buttons now trigger Pre-defined sounds.
- Registration language changes.
- SuperJava - improved quality and speed in the Java client.
- Incoming PM. New Sound Event to alert you to incoming Private Messages. Look in Control Panel, Sounds & Audio, Sounds tab, Program Events for hotComm, then for Incoming PM.
1. Improved Export-Import in hotComm Lite, Standard/Pro. Export feature requires (and forces) a lower-case password.
2. DayTrainer transcript for the ZB Market now records in 32nds instead of decimal.
3. TTS is now persistent (it remains set when you close hotComm).
4. hotComm Standard/Pro installer no longer asks if you have a SmileCam camera. Note:
If you have a SmileCam camera, then rename the MOVECHEK1.DLL in the hotComm/BIN folder to
5. hotComm Pro can now request file transfers from a Java client.
hotComm Standard/Pro 3.20.05a includes:
- Fixes problem where some Java clients can't see posting in room
- Call Group Manager Java client now supports blank question in login
hotComm CL 3.20.05a has a minor change.
There is no hotComm Lite 3.20.05a version.
1. Private Session no longer freezes when the invited person has hotComm on a secondary monitor.
2. -$ option on the hotComm startup command line no longer provides free access.
3. Mute-Gun+ mutes the pre-defined sounds. It no longer mutes hotComm Windows Sound Events.
4. After hotControl ends, the Camera reverts back to the mode it was in before hotControl.
5. When connection is lost, hotComm attempts to reconnect every 15 seconds.
6. Long hotScript history no longer causes hotComm to crash on exit.
7. To connect to a specific room on starting hotComm, add this to the hotComm startup command line: /arc=relay:room, where relay=the relay server and room= the room. For example: /arc=relay:support
Fixes for various issues.
Fixes for connection issues relating to NetGear routers.
Fixes for connection issues for those who can't use port 80.
hotComm connections are now made through port 80 or alternate port, instead of 80, 8080 and 28864.
1. More Emoticons
2. License Expired Message changes:
- Message now also pops up when expired user tries to join a room or session.
- Message stays up until user action.
- New More Info button opens Registration window (same as Enter Unlock, just different label).
- Revised language
3. If Session Control Isolate Users is enabled, the Invited count no longer shows the actual count.
4. Mic on/off can turn both WebCam and Mic on/off at the same time. Right-click WebCam, select "Link to Mic".
5. "Cascade windows on Primary" option sure all hotComm windows are within the constraints of the primary screen so you can grab all corners. Right-click hotComm icon in Windows tray and select the option.
6. You can now send both webCam and Timed camera at the same time. (Both sender and receiver must be on this revision or higher.)
7. Call Group Manager Java client windows now support skins for more customization.
8. File Sharing - when you share a folder, all sub-folders are now shared as well. Previously, only the specific folder was shared.
9. When you minimize all Timed Camera windows, updates to those windows are stopped until you restore at least one of the windows. This saves bandwidth.
* Content Relay Manager server-side fixes for resource use on S2 and above and window layouts.
hotComm Standard/Pro - fixes problem where hotPointer freezes.
Includes minor adjustments to new features.
New - hotControl. Remote control of your own desktop computer with webcam, mic or Dynamic Desktop.
1. Desktop requirements:
- Your desktop must have hotComm Pro (or higher).
- For webcam control, your desktop computer must be Online-Direct (selected incoming ports must be open, see
- For mic or Dynamic Desktop control, your desktop must be Online-Proxied or Online-Direct.
2. To setup the desktop, click the Yellow M button, enter a password in the RCpswd (on the bottom of the window). Leave your desktop running.
3. To connect to the desktop from a remote computer:
- hotComm Standard/Pro. Right-click on your desktop computer name, select hotControl User. When prompted, enter the password.
- hotComm Lite. In the Connect window, enter the address as website:rc, where "website" is the ezPeer website name of your desktop computer. "rc" is the remote control command. Enter the password.
- hotComm CL and Java clients. Connect to the address:, where "website" is the ezPeer website name of your desk to computer.
4. To use hotControl:
- To enable webcam, type: webcam on
- To disable webcam, type: webcam off
- To enable the mic, type: mic on
- To disable the mic, type: mic off
- To enable dynamic desktop, type: desktop on
- To disable dynamic desktop, in the remote window, click the hotCam button off, or click the Windows close button (X in upper right corner).
Note: while remote Dynamic Desktop is enabled, the background display on your desktop computer is hidden (for speed reasons). When remote Dynamic Desktop is disabled, the background display returns.
1. Fixes: CRM-mode Freeze is fixed.
2. New: All versions of hotCams can now select a still - Window mode to grab just a panel of a chart rather that the entire application.
3. New: If a user in a room closes the Timed camera hotCam, it will stop the data feed to save bandwidth. It will restart again on camera off-on by sender or exiting and re-join of the session.
4. New: The Transparent Collaborator and whiteboard were added to the CL client.
3.02.006x 3.02.006
3.02.006xa |
1. Dynamic Desktop Shift-Shift override - when a host has given a client permission to take over the host's application, the host can override the client and retake control by pressing SHIFT twice. There may be a 2-second delay before control is retaken. The client does not see any messages indicating that they have lost control.
2. Call Group Manager sound event - When someone joins a Call Group Manager queue, the Call Group Queue sound event now plays on Service Agents' computers as well as on the Call Group Manager computer.
3. Java clients can use the same name when connecting repeatedly to the same host.
4. Speed improvements in Dynamic Desktop.
5. Fix to Remote Dynamic Desktop handling of backgrounds.
1. Fixes: Now re-asks password on incorrect entry. Chart curruption caused by the new higher compression has been corrected. Call Group Manager Operation bug was fixed.
2. New: Pro can now seclect one of 7 hotPointer cursors by right-clicking on the hotPointer button.
1. Fixes: History Log is now in Recieving-User Standard Time. Mute-TTS no longer interferes with Mute-HiFi. Auto-Scoll in the Transcript is no longer triggered simply by loss of dialog focus to avoid loosing your place when performing other tasks.
2. Newer hotCam image Compressor that saves up to 70% more transfers w/o sacrifice of quality.
1. Fixes: An instability in the .000 release is resolved. .002 improves entry as Panel Peer. Export identity ahas changed a little to reduce confusion.
2. A few new Text To Speech (TTS) Options are added! Right-click on the smiley face and select the TTS options such as the TTS source from the Transcript, hotScript, PM, Myself. Also, the ability to give VOIP (session voice) priority over the TTS messages. Also, hitting the "Audio On" will Mute TTS if On.
3. Change: In this release, to join a room as a Panel User, just click on the Join flag in the room list. To enter as normal peer, right-click the Join flag and select that option.
1. Fixes: Speech should be improved when sending from Satelite source. A few cleanup's on the Silent List indroduced in the previous revision. We think that some user messages that show as having been sent by the BOT user are now correctly tagged.
2. New: Text To Speech (TTS) ! Right-click on the smiley face and select the TTS option voice desired for individual sessions. Some of the usernames sound really wierd. If you don't have XP, the Microsoft TTS installers are at or the 3 voice upgrade to XP if you don't have 3, is
3. New, Click the arrows in Standard before the Content Relay Servers and the Rooms are now shown on the trees. You can navigate from there to the Rooms as well.
4. Files that are aged-off the /uploads directory are now moved to the Recycle Bin to allow recovery.
1. Fixes: By popular demand... The Task bar entry for S1 will not blink on new activity when out of focus.
2. You may now add a user to the "Silent" List by right-clicking on their name in the invited list and "Add to Silent List". The rantings of any user on your S-List will not be displayed in the transcript.
3. The hotCam right-click menu now has a Print option for the image.
4. The right-click menu of the Smily now has the registration information.
1. Fixes: If usernames have illegal filename characters like /\:, it will no longer cause still camera problems.
2. Focus no longer changes from session to session. If an Enter is typed in a session that is not in focus, we now simply blink the task bar session tab.
3. hotComm users in All clients can now turn off the Auto-typer (AE) by right-click on the Smiley and selecting Auto-Typer. The icon turns green indicating all keys go thru.
4. In a room session, if you click a user in the User list (name changed from Peers) it will open a separate session rather than giving you the "Only host can invite" message.
5. The "speaking" field size was shunk a bit to allow more horizontal sizing without obscuring the emoticon control.
1. Fixes: Transcript and hotScript Scrolling problems fixed.
2. Contenct Relay now tells the timed-camera sender when it is compled de-compressing the image to avoid overloading the server.
1. Fixes: Startup sequence in Standard changed to allow Win 2K SP4 to initialize I/O. Java client -hotpointer & hotPoll problems fixed.
2. New (CRM) group in the Peer list accumulates the Content Relay Manager Servers and separates them for All Peers. Next step will be to create a tree here to list the rooms.
3. CL Users operating in normal guest mode, have 1 minute timer on microphone to avoid getting stuck after hours.
4. The right-click Find option in the transcript panel has been greatly enhanced.
1. Fixes: A few dealing with auto-reconnection.
2. Files and Still Camera shots from non-moderators peers are stored at the server and only copied to /uploads if the user clicks on the link.
3. Video Preview is resizable and no longer minimizes if you minimize its session.
4. All inbound PM's are sent to the hotScript panel. Alpha accellerator keys work in the invitee list.
1. Fixes: Lite will now accept room names with a dash in them.
2. Added Right-Click Print options to Invitee List, Transcript, and hotScript.
3. Auto Re-connect to Room server on lost connections after 15 seconds. The next step here will be to auto-connect to a backup Room on a different server on Server loss.
4. Preview of the new hotCollaborator in the PRO versions to mark up presentation slides. Activate it after timed-camera with the button just to right of the hotPointer.
1. Fixes: False Start on .043 w/ Keyboard privacy problems. Random loss of Video and HiFi permissions has finally been solved.
2. Added Audio Recording ability into Lite version.
3. Changed Keyboard Session Control to disables any typed messages by non-authoritative peers from being displaying on anyone elses screen except the authoritative peers. It also removes all usernames from the invited list except for authoritative peers.
4. Changed PM Session Control to disables all communication between guests e.g. Private Messages and Sessions.
1. Fixes: Multiple charts from the same sender could take same file name in /uploads.
2. Added the Jaguar wav clip back in by popular demand.
3. Added a Session Control Reset allowing Moderators to hold the CTL key and click on Session Control reseting all audio and cameras to off state.
1. Fixes: none
2. Added 6 wav clips and deleted 3 rarely used clips.
3. Removed the Java/Lite Peer Group from the Peer list as it is not used anymore.
1. Fixes: Undesired return to auto-scroll in transcript or hotScript panels during scrollback. Problems dropping .zip files inter-user within private sessions. Occasional "Martian sounds" in voice sessions, especially when using the webCam. Latency increase to .24 sec. from .16 sec. in TCP voice direct-mode operation to virtually eliminate break-up.
2. Clicking on the light green audio bar in any session will "lock" the voice focus in that session.
3. The Microphone in Private Sessions is now "Push-to-Talk" Mode to avoid too many mics on causing audio garble and confusion.
Includes: --- Note, Not a mandatory update ---
1. Fixes an possible Windows exception error opening a private session.
2. CL Identity dialog improved to avoid confusions.
3. The Microphone notification area in the status bar indicates light green in the session that has Voice focus.
Sorry for the lack of communication on intermediate changes....
1. The Codebase now supports a 3rd class of peer called hotComm CL (Confrence Lite) for more info, try .
2. Lite peers can now Connect Tunneled trhough corporate Proxies.
3. We added a hotScript Transcript (Session 1 only) that collects messages from any flagged users of your choice. Simply right-click on them or you in the invited list and Add or remove from hotScript. Note that you must right-click on bottom of status bar and do Show - hotScript panel to enable it. Flagged users are shown in red in the list. Note also that you can dock this panel various places inside or outside the hotComm client by grabbing it on the hotscript name.
4. Moderators can now disable audio recording in sessions that might be sensitive or copywritten.
5. Hope you didn't get to attached to the flash each time a line was added to the transcript as it is fixed in this release.
6. Dropped Jpg and other files shorter than 512k are send through the Server to all session users rather than one at a time from the sender.
7. You can now export your identity in the right-click menu of the tray icon and import it on another computer. See Support on the website under "1 License, 2+ Computers" (hotComm) or "How to Move a hotComm Lite License" (hotComm Lite).
1. You can right-click in the transcript and find anything in the test and find again.
2. Hitting Enter twice in Private Message sends the message.
3. When you scroll down to the bottom of the transcript it automatically goes to auto-scroll.
4. Naming of the files in the uploads now proceeded with the nickname of the pusher.
5. One chamber of the Gun has a bullet in it letting you play Iraqi Roulette.
6. Log says Lost Connection or Disconnected based on exit cause.
- Fix. Passwords into rooms now work correctly.
- New. Microphone right-click menu has changed.
- New. Pre-buffer setup in microphone number is set by default to 2.5 seconds. If the audio you hear is breaking up when you are in a room, increase this; your change takes effect the next time the speaker turns their mic on. This does not apply to non-room hotComm sessions.
This release series is now identified by an "x" at the end of the revision number. Formerly it was identified by "2.09." at the beginning of the revision number.
- Support for 4,000 users in a Room
- Unified code base
- Improved speech coordination
+ Send HiFi (high fidelity sound)
+ Auto-Mic Select makes sure mic is on
+ Audio Controls button opens Windows Sound Properties
- Fix for registration problems in some 2.xx revisions
- New TTJoin standard AE's
Changes to hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Peers with Mic on stay at the top of the Invited Peers list.
- Invited Peers list no longer scrolls automatically to new entries.
- More lineEnder Emoticons.
- Uninstall now works correctly.
Changes in hotComm:
- In Add Peer dialog, disable Import Key after a search.
- Fixed the pop-up problem with File Transfer notification dialog.
- Suppress messages in Panel Peer transcripts for joining and departing users unless
Operations Mode (M button) option "Alert Joining Peer" is checked.
- Renamed "Alert Joining Peer" to "Alert Peer In/Out".
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- New - Audio mute button on the bottom status bar. This toggles between 3 states:
- Audio-on = hear mic and prepared sounds.
- Mute<Rec> = hear mic, but disable prepared sounds.
- Mute-ALL = disable both mic and prepared sounds.
- Fix - Uploaded Transcripts are no longer in italics.
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- New abbreviations file (abbrev.hca).
- The <Mic On> / <Mic Off> messages are not shown in the hotComm Lite transcript.
Changes in hotComm:
- Session Control toolbar: Combine no webcam and cam into same button in session control.
- New Push-to-Talk mic button requires Public Peers to push and hold the mic button in order to speak (Panel Peers and hosts still have an always-on mic).
- If right mic button pressed, only one Public Peer can speak at a time. If right mic button is not pressed, allow up to 3 Public Peers to speak.
- New -
Session restrictions based on number of Public peers in session. (A public peer is anyone who is neither a host nor an authorized Panel Peer.)
a) If >4 Request Dynamic Desktop is disabled for both Public and Panel peers.
b) If >8 Whiteboard button is disabled for Public Peers, but enabled for Panel Peers.
c) If >20 Do not display the "<..Typing" message to Public Peers.
- Allow AE text expansions to be up to 1024 bytes long.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Put Time stamp at beginning of the line.
- Allow Timed hotCams windows to be closed if minimized and no updates are received in 99 seconds.
Changes in the IM-Live Java client:
- Allow Timed Camera events that are smaller than the PhotoRect size to be displayed in the PhotoRect panel instead of in a separate panel.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- When a Lite, hotComm, or Panel peer joins a session, the entire current transcript is now transferred to the newly joined peer's Transcript panel (except that Private Messages are not transferred).
- In Line Mode, "[typing...]" is replaced with the actual message when the typist hits Enter.
- If any Session Control buttons are on, all Public Peers are changed to Line mode (instead of word-by-word).
Changes in hotComm:
- Private Message text is removed from the transcript that is saved on the Content Relay Manager server.
- Room Profile now includes an Auto Checkbox: "U/L Transcript". If checked, transcripts from the room are uploaded to the Content Relay server.
Changes in hotComm:
- Fix - you can change a name in the Operations Panel (M button) without restarting hotComm.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Close window on hotCam with active timed camera is treated as a minimize.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixed problem connecting with Netscape 7.01 through Java link
- Fixed problem with audio if sound recording is disabled on your computer
Fixes to various problems in hotComm.
Note: not built for hotComm Lite.
Fixes to various problems.
Changes to hotComm:
- In Preferences, hotCam Setup, Bring To-Front option is checked.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Problem fixed with IMC.DLL.
Changes in hotComm:
- Clear Bad IP option is moved from the Invited List to the hotComm icon in the lower right Windows taskbar.
- Add R-Pass edit box to Room Profile to enter a referrer site for Java and Lite that over-rides the need for a password.
- In the Join Content Relay dialog, remember the last room and password used.
- No Join Content Relay option to Tree-cast Moderator user in peer list.
- Add Use Button in bottom of AE dialog that executes the Expansion.
Changes to hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- In the Profile section of the rooms in the Content Relay Manager, you can set the Maximum users. Minimum is 2 (CRM host, and 1 peer). Once the maximum is exceeded, anyone else is rejected with an automatic AE message ("ttfull").
- ttfull is available as a standard AE, that appears to anyone attempting to connect to a CRM room, once the maximum number of connections in the room is met.
- Underline text coming from Panel or uHost. (Default '?' font style has no underline)
Changes to IM-Live Java client:
- IM-Live Java Client now supports the Sun Java VM version 1.4.1_01-b01.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Bug fixes and UI Changes to hotDayTrainer.
- Bug fix to Dynamic Desktop window selection.
- New - Clear Bad IP List option. When a session host uses Disconnect and Block to remove someone from the Invited List in a session, the IP address of the blocked user is placed in the host's Bad IP List. To clear this list, the Host selects Clear Bad IP List by right-clicking on the name of any invited peer and selecting Clear Bad IP List. These Operations modes can use this option: Normal, TreeCast, Call Group Manager, Content Relay. These Operations modes cannot use this option: Panel Peer, Service Agent.
- If invited list is sorted in Nickname alphabetic order, add joining peers the same way.
- Fix - if Session Control-hotWeb is disabled, links in the transcript are now disabled as well.
Changes in hotComm (not hotComm Lite):
- Search for a text string in Transcript in hotComm and put in list box.
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- In Connect Dialog that pops up at startup, add checkbox that says Popup on Startup
This version of hotComm Lite was built but not distributed.
New and changed in hotComm -
- hotDayTrainer supports Nasdaq as well as S&P markets.
- Unlock code for injectible Remote Dynamic Desktop to Java clients.
- /w parameter for hotComm startup icon disables hotWeb.
- In registration information, options that you have not purchased are no longer listed as "expired". If you purchase an option and then let it expire, you see the "expired" status.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm lite:
- Register button is disabled while the unlock code is being processed.
- hotCam can now grab non-standard windows.
- Lite peers don't see login messages when Java peers join a Content Relay room.
Note: injectible Remote Dyanmic Desktop to Java clients requires that hotComm host has a direct connection (open ports). These Operations modes can use Remote Dynamic Desktop: Normal, TreeCast, Call Group Manager. These Operations modes cannot use Remote Dynamic Desktop: Panel Peer, Service Agent.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Allow Private Messages from hotComm Lite and hotComm peers to Java peers.
- Fixed problem with auto-launch of .avi files.
- In a Content Relay room, now anyone can talk even when a Panel Peer joins, unless the Panel Peer disables the peer microphones.
- Minor fixes and UI changes for hotDayTrainer
- Always allow private messages and private sessions between Panel Peers and the Content Relay in a Room session. Allow private messages and sessions between public peers and Panel Peers unless the Session Control Disable Private Messages is set.
- Fixes in IMC.DLL.
New in hotComm:
- Java applet parameter ZoomMode, where the value of 1 = local control of zoom and 0 = remote control. 0 is default. With local control, the caller can Zoom without it affecting any other callers, and the Zoom can be 4 times larger. Syntax: <PARAM NAME="ZoomMode" VALUE="1">.
Changes in hotDayTrainer:
- Allow re-size of dialog in x and y and save that way.
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- Added a 3-second Timed Camera interval setting. To set hotCam interval for Timed Camera shots you are sending, right-click the hotCam icon and select 3-second or 15-second interval.,69) In Lite, add a 3-sec mode to timed cam as well as the 15 sec mode in right-click.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Installer no longer overwrites hotComm Windows Sound Events settings, if you have made any changes to the orignally installed settings.
- Changes in IMC.DLL and DD.DLL
Changes in hotDayTrainer feature:
- Save Lower Day Tally Result in the day file and restore.
- Rename Clear to Clear Day and put the date back in box after clear.
- Now works on Windows XP
- Add Copy All to Clipboard - Copy Selected to Clipboard.
- Window position and size saved.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Improvements in the new hotDayTrainer feature.
- Improvements in IMC.DLL.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- DayTrainer transaction fee changed from $10 to $5. (Note: in a future release, the fee will be adjustable.)
New in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- hotDayTrainer feature. To open the hotDayTrainer dialog, click the D button next to the Smiley face icon on the hotComm status bar.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Improved timed camera sent through the Content Relay (internally, the differential bitmaps are numbered and sorted), to help users who join mid-session.
- Resolved problem when peer leaves a session.
New in hotComm:
- You can include lineEnder Emoticons in an AE.
- Test Poll button added to the Abbreviation Expansion dialog.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fix problem where peers who join a session in progress where timed screenshots are sent receive the differential bitmap instead of the entire bitmap.
- Change hotComm Lite Price to $19.95 / 3 mos. or $59.95 / yr., effective January 2.
- ToolTips for the lineEnder Emoticons, Pay-per-minute setup, Data Security Mode, and SEt Line / Word Typing Mode added.
- Changes to the layout of the Abbreviation Expansion dialog.
New in hotComm:
- lineEnder Emoticons. Click the Smily face in the status bar to bring up the emoticons, type a message and then single-click an emoticon button intead of the Enter key.
Changes in hotComm:
- If Panel Peer is logged into a Content Relay and a public peer presses microphone, only the first one is allowed to speak. If the Panel Peer has Session Mic disable set, give present a request message as in prior releases.
- Instead of having one Tscripts folder on the Content Relay, there is now a Tscripts folder in each room folder (web/[roomname]/) so we can set up automatic Tscripts file transfer to Panel Peers for their room.
- Transcripts older than 30 days old are purged on server startup.
- ttjoin message on Panel Peer are now sent to all joining peers. If there are multiple Panel Peers with ttjoin messages, multiple messages are sent.
- The Transcript vertical scroll bar now appears automatically without a manual re-size of the window.
Changes in hotcomm and hotComm Lite:
- When host or speaker closes a session, hotComm waits 3 seconds, then empties the voice buffer and closes. If someone other than the host or speaker closes a session, hotComm empties the voice buffer immediately on close. Previously, if the speaker did not stop talking, hotComm did not close correctly.
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- Allow Lite users to change email address in setup screen.
New in hotComm:
- Vote Polling. Create an AE (abbreviation expansion) that displays poll questions and results. The syntax is:
- seconds is the number of seconds the person has to make their vote
value is the numeric value of the vote item
label is the description of the vote item
result-type tells how to display the results:
Result-Type |
Results are ... |
P |
Public, shown to all participants |
X |
Private, seen only by Content Relay Manager and Panel Peers. |
N |
Privately lists all users voting 0 (zero) |
Y |
Privately lists all users voting 1 |
V |
Publically lists all user votes |
- value and label are repeated for each vote item.
- Results are summarized unless you specify a result-type that lists individual user votes.
- Options are separated by a colon (:).
- Options must be entered as a continuous line, with no line breaks.
- Examples:
V:Can you hear me?:15:0:No:1:Yes:P
This displays the question "Can you hear me?", gives users 15 seconds to vote, and offers the choices of 0 for No and 1 for Yes. Results are public, displayed to all participants.
V:How do you rate this presentation?:20:1:Poor:9:Great!:X
This displays the question "How do you rate this presentation?", gives users 20 seconds to vote, and offers the choices of 1 for Poor and 9 for Great. Results are displayed privately to the Content Relay Manager and Panel Peers only.
- The Reject hotComm Peers option in the Auto section of the Operation Mode window (M button). If checked, this option automatically rejects any hotComm or hotComm Lite peers who are not Panel Peers authorized for the room they are attempting to join. (This feature is designed for people who want only Java users connecting to a room).
- In Content Relay Manager mode, the Add Peer window becomes the Add Room dialog. To add a room, enter the email address of the Panel Peer who will moderate it, Assign a Room Name and NickName.
Changes in hotComm:
- Full hotComm peers can now enter a Room. Add the Content Relay Manager to your Peer List. Right-click on it in the Peer List, select Join Content Relay Room, and, when prompted, enter the name of the room and password (if any). This applies to users who are not in Panel Peer mode.
- If you are a Panel Peer, hotComm no longer prompts you to save a transcript of the session when you close the session.
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- If a Lite peer enters the wrong room name, the message now says that the Content Relay host does not recognize the room request" instead of saying that the room doesn't have a moderator yet.
New in hotComm:
- Disconnect & Block Peer option in the right-click menu of the Invited Peer list. This adds the IP of the user to a temporary block list that is valid until the Content Relay hotComm is restarted.
- Preliminary look at Vote Polling - you can set up the question, but cannot tally answers yet. See 2.09.024 for more information.
Changes in hotComm:
- Fixes problem where Connect/Disconnect messages on Content Relay and Panel Peers, where you didn't see Lite peers joining until they disconnected (then you got both messages).
- If you select a Private Message to the host, in any mode including Content Relay, set focus to that session.
Changes in hotComm:
- Fixes problem where TTJoinL messages was sent twice to Lite peer if it is the first peer in an unmoderated room.
- If users set focus on Transcript panel (also known as History Panel), no scrolling occurs until focus is set elsewhere.
- Screen savers are disabled if timed camera is activated.
- Corrections to Connect/Disconnect messaging on Content Relay and Panel Peers.
- Video movement cursors are disabled in place of Zoom-in cursor if video peer does not have SmileCAM suport. (hotComm and Java).
Changes in hotComm:
- Optimization of differential bitmap feature with Content Relay Panel Peer session.
- Fixes unexpected error with peers being disconnected.
- Panel Peers now see when clients join and leave sessions.
- Orange headphones on hotComm Invited list when a peer is DND or OUT.
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- New IN/OUT button to show status. OUT means that you are offline (signed out) or selected the out status yourself. IN means you are connected and available.
Changes in hotComm:
- Fixes problem when hotCAM pops back up when a differential
bitmap is received. Now it stays minimized.
- Fixes problem with positioning of the function toolbar being forced to the bottom of the window.
- Java Client now allows "line mode" text editing. Use the new LineMode parameter in DEFAULT_ONL.HTM to select line mode or word-by-word. If you don't include this parameter, the default is word-by-word.
VALUE="1" = line mode
VALUE="0" = word-by-word
Example: <PARAM NAME="LineMode" VALUE="1">
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- Release coordinates code with hotComm.
Changes in hotComm:
- Improved audio tuning in the Java client
- hotComm peers are now deleted in the Java client peer list when they disconnect from the session.
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- Release coordinates code with hotComm.
Changes in hotComm:
- Fixes problems positioning hotComm on systems having multiple monitors.
- Fixes flicker problems displaying video camera in IM-Live Java Client.
- Fixes problems when hotCAM window is closed and differential bitmap timed data is sent after complete image is redisplayed.
New in hotComm:
Standard AEs for Session Hosts only:
- ttjoinh (Welcome message to hotComm clients)
- ttjoinj (Welcome message to Java clients)
- ttjoinl (Welcome message to HCLite clients)
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- Support for the above.
Changes in hotComm:
- Disable private messages from public peers to a Content Relay Manager.
- Allows duplicate names in the peer list by differentiating them using the last byte of the peer ID.
- Now uses differential bitmap in timed camera to reduce data flow.
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- Support for the above.
Changes in hotComm:
- Fixes a problem using the Windows Close button to end a Private Session.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes for recently discovered problems.
Changes in hotComm:
- Session Control toolbar appears if you are host, Panel Peer or Content Relay. Use it to disable participants' functions: Keyboard and WAV Sound, Private Messages, hotWeb, Whiteboard, File Xfer, Camera and DD, Video, Microphone.
- hotWeb toolbar is now labeled "hotWeb Control".
Changes in hotComm Lite:
- Responds to Session Control choices.
There is no 2.09.013. |
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes for recently reported problems.
New in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- <<Microphone On>> Is now <<Mic on>>. <<Mic Off>> appears on the same line, with timestamp.
- Session number now appears on the Status bar, in front of the "Ready" message.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes for recently reported problems.
New in hotComm:
- To join a Content Relay room, right-click on the Content Relay peer name in your Peer List. In the Join Room window, enter the name of the Room, the password for the room (if any), and click the Join button.
- To request System-Level desktop control, right-click on the name of an invited peer and select Request Remote Dynamic Desktop. The invited peer can be running hotComm Lite or any version of hotComm. However, this option is selectable for hotComm Pro or higher; it is not selectable for hotComm Lite or Standard.
New in hotComm Lite:
- Can receive requests for Remote Dynamic Desktop.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes for recently reported problems.
New in hotComm Lite:
- Connect to Target now includes Optional Password.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes for recently reported problems.
New in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Sounds added to Sound list: Danger, News, Pop
- Invited list icons (as seen by caller)
Red headset = Host
Blue headset = Panel Peer
Green headset = hotComm peer
L = hotComm Lite peer
J = Java client peer
Microphone = Peer has microphone on (replaces other icon)
- Invited list icons (as seen by you)
Red bullet = You are host
Green bullet = You are peer
- History log (transcript) now includes time as well as date.
- TreeCast Map now includes icons.
- TreeCast Map can be saved to a time-stamped text file. To save, select Save As. To append the current map to an existing log, select Save As, select the file, and when asked if you want to overwrite it, click No.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- hotCam Timed no longer takes screen shots while you're typing.
- Fixes problems with Voice, Email Transcript.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes problems.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes problems with disconnecting from a session.
New in hotcomm and hotComm Lite:
- Invited panel includes count of current participants, such as: S1- Invited[3]
- Invited panel can be sorted by Nickname or Join Time. Click on the column heading to sort.
- Revision number included in titlebar, such as: 1st-Support's New Session - hotComm Lite 2.00.005.
New in hotComm Lite:
- Toggle between Word (word-by-word) and Line (end of paragraph) methods for sending text. Click the Word (or Line) item on the hotComm Lite bottom status bar.
- hotComm Lite identity is displayed on the status bar, in the right-most field.
Changes in hotComm:
- Java clients now auto-join correctly to the TreeCast Moderator session 1. Be sure that your IM-Live link includes: ?-rm=1 (Example:
New in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Private instant message between session participants. Right-click on a name in your Invited List and select Private Message. Type the message in the hotComm Private Message window and select Send Now.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes for various problems.
Changes in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
- Fixes for various problems.
Changes in hotComm:
- Fixes for various problems.
Note: There was no 2.09.001 for hotComm Lite.
Introducing prerelease versions.
Please understand that these versions of hotComm and hotComm Lite contain pre-release code made available to you for preliminary and confidential testing. Please send any comments, suggestions, or problems to us using our Feedback form.
New in hotComm and hotComm Lite:
Includes pre-release Dynamic Desktop
New products:
- TreeCast Moderator (replaces Moderated Chat)
- Content Relay Manager, with Panel Peers
- hotComm Standard
- hotComm Professional
New features:
- Full motion video (Webcam)
- Multiple Java clients can join the same session
- TreeCasting for efficient content distribution
- Transcripts can be saved automatically
- AEs can send a URL or file as well as text message and/or sound recording.
- Connection status indicator (such as Direct, Proxied, Tunnelled) on Peer Profile, hotComm and hotComm Lite session windows.
- Timer for pay-per-view connections.
- Timed video in hotCam is now used by Twain devices only. WIA devices can use full motion video with Webcam.
hotComm Lite:
- Now supports a Target, so you can connect without clicking on an IM-Live button.
- Is now free for a trial period, then requires purchase and registration.
The look of IM-Live Java clients can be highly customized.
Fix - Includes updated IMC.DLL.
hotComm Lite
Note: hotComm Lite is on revision 1.01.003.
hotComm Lite
New - hotComm Lite includes timed hotCam video capture.
Fix - hotComm Lite now works for users who have upgraded Internet Explorer from older, shell versions of I.E.
New - All trial periods are now 14-days from installation date. If you need an extension, please contact [email protected].
Fix - Problems with Peer Status have been corrected.
Fix - Problems starting hotComm with incorrect password in Proxy Settings have been resolved.
New - Video! Right-Mouse menu of the camera icon allows Direct-Video selections like Cams in addition to Twain devices and allows you to send still or timed images.
Update - More improvements to the 1stWorks Proxy Server. hotComm with Im-Live & ez-Peer now work from behind a http Proxy in corporate environments. We added auto-relog to Proxy servers in the event of lost TCP connection.
Fix - In Free Speech voice between hotComm and Java peers, voice now works in both directions for more than 2-3 minutes.
Fix - In File Sharing Preferences, the number of minutes in Auto Update is now saved.
Fix - When a peer is deleted from your Peer List, the peer is now deleted from the File Sharing list as well.
Our new Customer Relationship Mgmt.(CRM) and Moderated Chat are unveiled.
New - The Java peer has a downloadable 200 Kb. Free Speech module allowing full-duplex continuous speech.
Firewalled users can now use hotComm and receive IM-Live calls and Service Web requests etc.
Hopefully, the remaining Gremlins were fixed.
New - Abbreviation Expansions now allow the addition of .wav or microphone audio to augment effect with both Java and hotComm / hotComm Lite Peers.
In Windows 95 & 98, the voice is turned off during right-click menus of Camera or Audio to avoid lock-up.
Yet more hotComm Gremlins were fixed -including one relating to peer state display.
New - Transparent Collaborator has a few new features, like right-click in text mode.
New - Preferences allows you to include referenced files within emailed transcripts.
New - Excel Collaboration is almost complete allowing you to enter cell data remotely.
New - Double-clicking the new file in the file-notification list takes you to the file.
New - Timed camera updates now skip slower modem peers until the next cycle.
Several more hotComm Gremlins when connecting to JavaPeers were fixed.
New - Transparent Collaborator has a new toolbar that is attached to the hotWeb dialog box.
New - Transparent Collaborator individual cursors have been added (with peer names!)
New - Right Mouse Camera menu now has a 'Still Collaboration' mode that sends to hotWeb dialog.
Several hotComm Gpf problems when connection to JavaPeers were addressed. Proxied Java problem resolved.
New - Introduction of hotComm Lite (HLSETUP.EXE) and hotComm support for the Lite client connection.
Fix - Transparent Collaborator boxes are now the same size at both sides. Toolbar dragging is fixed.
New in Collaboration:
* The Transparent Collaborator now has filled and outline rectangle modes. Right-Mouse filled box for Post-it.
* The future of collaboration is now enhanced by mouse positioning. Scroll-bars are next.
* The Collaboration menu now has 'eMail screenshot' and 'Save screenshot as' options.
* A Whiteboard Icon has been added to the top icon bar.
New - Audio 'sounds & voice' from added hotComm peers is sent to Java Peers in push-to-talk mode.
New - Proxy Server. The crowning glory of this release is the automatic use of the hotComm Proxy Server for any users behind firewalls to provide ezPeer and IM-Live capabilities to them.
WOW ...Where to start! - Note that the on-line User Guide is reasonably up-to-date on these features.
New - Audio 'sounds' and your voice via the microphone can be sent to Java Peers! The microphone button operates in push-to-talk mode in this case. When you release the button, the voice message is sent. Remind Java callers that this is one-way or they will be talking to themselves and need therapy.
New - Featured in the release is a Useable glimpse into our future of collaboration. Try pushing a word doc. and then use the keyboard (not mouse -yet, but soon) to move around and type. This is sent to all users simultaneously. The mouse-wheel IS supported now. Note that the hotWeb window has a collaboration menu that controls who has what level of control or shared control.
New - We added a real-time 'Transparent Collaborator' to the hotWeb window that is not just a white-board, but allows you to mark-up or annotate anything (such as a web page, a document, a spreadsheet) in the hotWeb window. Note that the right-mouse button allows you to highlight or draw straight lines. If you highlight a web page, you can 'Send Screenshot' to Java peers with the annotations.
Improved - hotCam can now take timed snapshots and is much easier to navigate to take normal screenshots.
Fix - Windows 2000 Advanced Server memory exception on startup is fixed.
Fix - file association with .hcs on Windows 2000 systems fixed.
Forgot to mention earlier... Right-click on hotCam Icon allows TWAIN device -scan and send options. Also, right-click on any Peer Group allows 'Invite Group' action.
New - Windows XP Cosmetic updates for main window and file xfer.
New - Microphone - Playback display & controls available by right-clicking the VOIP button.
hotCam compresses faster at 32-bit color. Note, 32-bit incomapatible with .013 & .014
Installer is 10x faster than .014 and earlier.
File Xfer internal windows are now re-sizable.
hotComm now comes to front after clicking any Im-Live links e.g. Livelink.
New - hotCam update interval is now settable in Preferences from 5-99 seconds.
New - hotCam compressed file sizes reduced by 50%. Note, Incomapatible backwards to .013
New - hotWeb top-left Icon menu now allows making files available to Session Peers. The same functionality is added to the File Xfer menu during a session allowing drag-drop of files to Session Peers.
Installer is faster now as it includes minimal Help files with Links to the full web-based User Guide.
File Xfer Preferences now allows auto-appending the xfer log to a file.
GPF on hotComm Close has been really fixed.
New - hotCam is now single-click and move around the screen to take snapshots or 15sec updates.
Note: Right-click mouse menus are now operational on the Do-Not-Disturb and hotCam Icons.
New - If a hotComm user clicks an Im-Live link, the connection is made via hotComm vs. Java.
Note: Installer will ovewrite web/im-live/default.htm. Your Backup copy is defaultx.htm
More Fixes in Auto-Update File Sharing -especially GMT Time is now used for comparisons.
File-list update / checking is now done in their own thread. GUI doesn't hang while this happens.
GPF on hotComm Close has been fixed.
New - File XFER now has a "Detail List" mode -much like explorer.
More Fixes in File Sharing -especially in the auto-download area.
GPF on faster machines during hotComm exit addressed.
hotWall Firewall in Preferences now has configurable port numbers.
New - hotComm will automatically switch to backup VNS Server if the primary is down.
New - History Dialog now uses RichEdit20 providing hotlinks for web pages, pushed items and email addresses.
More Fixes in File Sharing -especially in the auto-download area.
* Files from deleted users are removed from the available file lists.
* "Busy" or "In-Process" auto-download files just wait till available vs. error.
Fix additional problems with erratic cross-connections over local I/P's.
VOIP now uses RTP (Real Time Protocol) UDP header to signal in-stream routers of higher priority.
 Note: 1.00.010 VOIP (voice chat) is therefore not backward compatible.
New - No longer requires inbound UDP port to be opened for VOIP operation.
New - NetBios Firewall added by default for protection -disable in Properties
New - hotCam on middle-icon bar allows you to grab and send dialog boxes.
New - hotCam and alt-prntscrn/Ctl-v bit maps are auto compressed and sent 8x faster.
More Fixes in File Sharing -including ability to dive into and download partial directories:
* Newly added files are alerted to recipients.
* File Search expanded to include contents of all available directories.
Fix problem with erratic connections.
New - Note added to While-you-were-Out email option in the Peers
Fixes in File Sharing:
* Refreshed files are now correctly marked with a BLUE checkmark.
* Refreshed files no longer appear as a pair of deleted and new files.
Fix an occasional lock-up when closing a session of voice users.
Increase Priority of Voice UDP packets to eliminate breakup on WIN2000 systems.
Fix abnormal exit of hotComm upon adding the 6th peer in a voice session.
Fix occasional hotComm-to-hotComm missed invitations and sporatic invalid peer states.
Fix File-Date compare problem in the new auto-file-update feature.
Fix voice on/off sequencing on Session close and at inter-session voice transitions.
Changes to the hotComm client:
New - Voice Chat now supports multiple peers in a session and is compressed & encrypted.
New - Voice Chat now includes Silence Detection to avoid sending unnecessary transmisions. Packets are not sent after you have been silent for approximately 3/4 of a second.
New - Paragraph Mode Text Chat - Preferences includes option to send messages only after you press the Enter key instead of word-by-word. (for poor typers {grin})
New - Chat Invitation Reply has option to send a note if a peer does not respond to your invitation.
New - hotComm is minimized on computer startup if Auto Start is enabled.
Fixes for Windows 2000 problems:
* Subsequent HCS files started from Explorer now appear.
* Dropping a file into the Message Entry Panel no longer causes an icon to appear.
Fixes for general problems:
* Entering an invalid registration key now gives an explanatory message and starts the Registration Utility.
Changes to IM-Live:
Change - updated word/wrapping mechanism
Changes to Sound:
Change - Voice Chat now uses UDP instead of TCP, reducing delay significantly.
Changes to File Sharing:
New - Upload and download entire directories (folders) as well as individual files.
New - Incremental download of directories (only files within the directory that are new or newer)
New - Auto Update of all files and directories. File Sharing Preferences includes timing.
New - Right-mouse click menu on files and folders (directories):
My Inbox file options - Display Info, Auto Update, Get, Run.
My Inbox folder options - Display Info, Auto Update, Get, Expand.
My Outbox file options - Display Info, Run.
My Outbox folder options - Display Info, Expand.
Fix in IM-Live Java client to eliminate sporadic extra line feeds.
Fix in IM-Live Java client to stop the Java client reappearing after the applet window is closed.
New - Internet Explorer now loads the smaller IM-LIVE.CAB instead of IM-LIVE.JAR.
Changes to HOTCOMM.EXE and IMC.DLL:
New - Private Encryption Keys operational in Groups and Peer Profiles.
Use the same "word" at both ends. Added encryption is shown as a Red X
in the Padlock in hotComm's lower dialog box border.
New - Resynch Peer List option (/l) command is now included on the hotComm icon menu.
New - In the Peer List menu, allow set and unset Alert When Available while the peer is online (Free) or connected (ON) as well as offline.
New - Expanded group states on the Peer List Panel are saved and restored.
New - New unlog (forced logoff) notification due to login at another computer or by VNS. User must exit via the hotComm icon menu and restart hotComm if a new login is needed at this computer.
New - Peer website domain names are saved in Peer Profile Information Panel when peer connects.
Fix - hotComm can now relog to either of 2 VNS Servers.
Fix for JavaPeer to NOT auto-delete trailing spaces after 2 second
Fix - Peer state display on the Peer List Panel is corrected when a new session is created from a chat invitation.
Fix - Chat Preferences dialog and Private Key status fixed for system desktop schemes using a large font setting.
Fix - Alert notifications are no longer duplicated in subsequent sessions. Set and unset are still applicable for all sessions.
Changes to HCFS.DLL:
New in File Sharing - Searching including wild-card, e.g. *.mp3 from toolbar.
New in File Sharing - Print Dialog is operational.
New in File Sharing - Right Mouse click on a file now displays file info, e.g. date/time/size.
Changes to Installer:
Fix - Installer does not overwrite the IM-LIVE/DEFAULT.HTM if it already has the jPort entry.
Changes to HOTCOMM.EXE and IMC.DLL:
New - Multiple hotComm peers in a session can PUSH contents to the
same IM-Live JAVA client.
Fix - 1stWorks Server can now relog without closing hotComm clients.
Fix for GPF in Windows 2000 and Windows NT |
Changes to HCFS.DLL:
New in File Sharing - Notification Window and Column positions are
New in File Sharing - Local and Remote Report Column positions are
saved. |
Changes to Installer:
Fix - Installer and Auto start feature now store information for restarting
HOTCOMM.EXE in the SAME area of the Registry. location. |
New in Startup - Automatic sensing of availability of port
80. |
New in File Sharing - Download rate and Expected time to
completion are displayed in status bar. |
Fix for GPF in HCFS.DLL. |
First production release. |
Includes preview of Voice
Chat. Note: Voice chat does not yet have compression and codec. |
Pre-release introduction of features and technology. |