Virtual Events

Event Info

Event Name: Successful Trading – A Road Map to Financial Freedom (Event ID: GCDMM7)
Event Host: Andy J/
Event Starts at: 16:30 (ET) on 12/05/2017
Event Duration: 60 minutes
Event Size: 900 people can be accommodated (178 have Registered)

Event Description:
Please see for the full session description of: Successful Trading – A Road Map to Financial Freedom - or you can click ENROLL to register right now! If, after registering, you do not get your 'Join Event' link in Email, you can INSTALL hotComm CL TO WINDOWS by clicking the following LINK: and then, once installed and up and connected (you may need to wait 60 seconds for the small splash screen that reads, 'Please wait as we establish connection...' vanishes) then, please use the next link to directly connect to the event in progress. **JOIN EVENT LINK: **If you can't be with us live on December 5th then please send an email to: [email protected] to get on their list to notify you of FUTURE events or special upcoming promotions like this one. Hope to see you ALL there!